ffmpeg - encoding 4:2:2 in 10-bit with libx264 - Video Production …
The cmdline x264 --fullhelp is pretty explicit about output bit depth from 8 to 10, not higher. Weird that -profile high10 is just silently ignored by 8bit x264. Internally, x264 compiled for high bit depth uses 16bpp for storing any 10bit data, so it probably …
Is there a simple explanation of x264 encoding parameters?
2015年9月27日 · So, x264 is still the most popular (free) H.264 encoder out there. But it is also still considered ridiculously cryptic as well. There are tons of switches and options in the encoder that allow you to create tiny files that capture an impressive amount of quality.
ffmpeg - What x264 encoder is better for upscaling pixel art? Is it ...
I mostly use Virtualdub2 to upscale my videos (although I am looking for other methods) via two resize filters, Nearest Neighbor and Lanzcos3. Recently I am looking at the x264 encoder to encode my
What is KeyInt and min-keyint and no-scenecut - video
Your code tells ffmpeg to generate a H264 video stream using the x264 encoder, and the options below are used by the encoder to decide keyframe placement.-x264opts "keyint=24:min-keyint=24:no-scenecut" keyint=24 tells x264 to forcibly generate a keyframe 24 frames after the last keyframe. min-keyint=24 sets the minimum keyframe distance.
ffmpeg - What's the difference between "visually lossless" and real ...
2019年5月19日 · I got that information directly from the main x264 developer (Glaser aka Dark_Shikari) in the #x264dev IRC room, and it looked lossless to me. Re-encoding: 0 vs 18 If you need an intermediate and/or temporary file for re-encoding, use -crf 0 or some other lossless compressed format, such as UT video or FFv1, that works within your workflow.
h264 and h265 keyint params settings - Video Production Stack …
2015年11月22日 · 1) MeGUI/x264 Settings for an explanation of the parameters like keyint. 2) About --keyint --min-keyint and --scenecut for a discussion at Doom9 about how they interact, specifically--keyint is the maximum interval. x264 will insert key frames earlier if it deems them beneficial, e.g. due to a scene change.
x264 - Encode a 10bit raw video file - Video Production Stack …
2018年10月31日 · Each gray value is 2 bytes but only the first 10 bits are used. I can't seem to get x264-10b to accept it as an input. x264-10b.exe --profile high10 --input-csp gray10le --input-depth 16 --fps 30 -o out.264 0_400x400_gray10le.yuv raw [error]: unsupported colorspace `gray10le' x264 [error]: could not open input file `0_400x400_gray10le.yuv'
x264 - Multiple FFmpeg input & output - Video Production Stack …
2017年1月18日 · I just want to know if it's possible to encode audio & video at the same time by FFmpeg -c:a libfaac for audio & x264.exe for video. and any example!
Using h264 in loseless mode brings small unexpected results
You can use -qp 0 or -crf 0 to encode a lossless output. Use of -qp is recommended over -crf for lossless because 8-bit and 10-bit x264 use different -crf values for lossless. This is also repeated in the realtime capture section help when talking about an optional re-encoding with a slower preset to try saving some size:
ffmpeg: How to preserve colour space automatically?
2024年8月27日 · Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site