Doing business with Water and Land Resources Division
The Consultant and Contractor Forum has moved to a virtual hub! Upcoming Capital Projects with the Water and Land Resources Division on the King County Engagement Hub replaces the previous virtual and in-person events.
KEY: Italicized Blue –Environmental Programs Section Manager TLT/SDA Position GREEN Box - VACANT Position Purple Lettering – Probationary Employee
Environmental Lab - King County, Washington
WLRD freshwater and groundwater monitoring; microbial source tracking; swim beach monitoring; Wastewater Treatment Division’s (WTD) Water Reuse and Technology and Assessment; King County Roads; WLRD Stormwater Services; and reimbursable projects. Meghan Elkey
Group detail - DNRP/WLRD - King County, Washington
Name: DNRP/WLRD - Stormwater Services Section (SWS) Description: This section of the Water and Land Resources Division is responsible for coordinating the County''s compliance with state and federal stormwater management regulations that protect water quality and for implementing a variety of stormwater management programs integral to this compliance as well as to the …
Water and Land Resources Division - King County, Washington
The Water and Land Resources Division manages agriculture, forestry, rivers, flooding, habitat, noxious weeds, stormwater, environmental science, and hazardous waste in King County.
Customer service contacts - King County, Washington
Water and Land Resources Division (WLRD): WLRD reception - 206-477-4800; Hazardous Waste - [email protected] or 206-296-4692 The Haz Waste Help Line operates Monday through Saturday. Stormwater runoff and surface water quality problems - 206-477-4811; Flood Warning Center: 206-296-8200; Report a noxious weed: 206-477-WEED
Directory - Group detail - King County
Name: DNRP - Water and Land Resources Division (WLRD) Description: The Water and Land Resources Division works in partnerships to: sustain healthy watersheds; protect wastewater systems; minimize flood hazards; protect public health and water quality; preserve open space, working farms, and forests.
WLRD: Our division - King County, Washington
WLRD contributes to nearly half (44%) of the preparedness action in the 2020 Strategic Climate Action Plan (SCAP). In our division we work to increase tree canopy in urban areas; improve forest health to reduce wildfire risk; design projects to consider the future changes in river and stream runoff due to climate impacts; and we do real-time ...
Directory - Group detail - King County
Name: DNRP/WLRD/STS - Lakes, Streams, Sound and Ground : Description: The Lakes, Streams, Sound and Ground Unit, within the Science and Technical Support Section, provides scientific services on a variety of Wastewater Treatment Division projects, to other organizations, and the general public.
King County Basin Stewards - King County, Washington
Snoqualmie River downstream of Snoqualmie Falls Andrea Mojzak, 206-263-7934. Snoqualmie River Forks, South Fork Skykomish River, Bear Creek drainage in Sammamish Watershed