Come collegare un dispositivo con il numero di telefono
Puoi collegare un dispositivo usando il numero di telefono associato al tuo account principale e un codice monouso. È possibile collegare fino a un massimo di quattro dispositivi senza la necessità di mantenere il telefono principale connesso.
Secure and Reliable Free Private Messaging and Calling - WhatsApp
Use WhatsApp Messenger to stay in touch with friends and family. WhatsApp is free and offers simple, secure, reliable messaging and calling, available on phones all over the world.
Jak pobrać WhatsApp na pulpit? | WhatsApp – Centrum pomocy
W przeglądarce na komputerze przejdź na stronę pobierania WhatsApp i pobierz plik wersji na pulpit na Maca.; Po ukończeniu pobierania otwórz plik i postępuj zgodnie z instrukcjami, aby dokończyć instalację.
WhatsApp Business App Resources
Whether you’re new to the WhatsApp Business app or ready to expand your toolbox, this is the place. Learn the basics of running a business on the app, access playbooks to help you grow your digital marketing expertise and sales, and get inspired by success stories about businesses using WhatsApp to thrive.
WhatsApp | 安全、可靠、免費且私密的訊息和通話功能
使用 WhatsApp Messenger 與親朋好友保持聯絡。WhatsApp 為全球各地手機用戶免費提供簡單、安全且可靠的訊息和通話服務。
واتساپ وب - وبلاگ واتساپ - WhatsApp Blog
امروز، برای اولین بار میلیونها نفر از شما میتوانید از واتساپ در مرورگر وبتان استفاده کنید. سرویسگیرنده وب ما صرفاً یک برنامه افزودنی از تلفن شما است: مرورگر وب همان مکالمات و پیامهای موجود در واتساپ دستگاه تلفن ...
WhatsApp Web - Blog WhatsApp
Aujourd’hui, pour la première fois, des millions d’entre vous auront la possibilité d’utiliser WhatsApp sur leur navigateur web. Notre application web agit comme une extension de votre téléphone : votre navigateur affiche les conversations et les messages de votre appareil mobile en temps réel, et vice versa.
Download WhatsApp for iOS, Mac and PC
Download WhatsApp on your mobile device, tablet or desktop and stay connected with reliable private messaging and calling. Available on Android, iOS, Mac and Windows.
How to switch language on WhatsApp | WhatsApp Help Center
WhatsApp can be accessed in more than 30 languages. Be default, WhatsApp app will automatically display in the language selected in your device settings.
iOS, Mac এবং PC-র জন্য WhatsApp ডাউনলোড করুন
আপনার মোবাইল ডিভাইস, ট্যাবলেট বা ডেস্কটপে WhatsApp ডাউনলোড করুন এবং ...