Widukind - Wikipedia
Widukind, also known as Wittekind and Wittikund, [1] was a leader of the Saxons and the chief opponent of the Frankish king Charlemagne during the Saxon Wars from 777 to 785. Charlemagne ultimately prevailed, organized Saxony as a Frankish province, massacred thousands of Saxon nobles, and ordered conversions of the pagan Saxons to Christianity .
Widukind | Saxon leader | Britannica
…unity under the leadership of Widukind, who succeeded longer than any other leader in holding together a majority of chieftains in armed resistance to the Franks. Ultimately, internal feuding led to the capitulation even of Widukind.
Widukind von Sachsen (c.735 - 807) - Genealogy - Geni.com
2024年9月30日 · Widukind (Modern German: Widuking or Wittekind) was a Germanic religious as well as the political and military leader of the pagan old Saxons and the chief opponent of the Frankish king Charlemagne during the Saxon Wars from 777 to 785. Charlemagne insisted that the Saxons forcibly convert to Christianity.
Who was Widukind, leader of the Saxons? - Encyclopedia Britannica
NARRATOR: Widukind was a very courageous man in the Middle Ages. He lived at the end of the eighth century in what is now northwest Germany and was the leader of the Saxons. During the wars against the Franks, which are called the Saxon Wars, he didn't acquiesce. He was a rebel.
Widukind | EBSCO Research Starters
The name Widukind (VEE-doo-kihnt) first appears in history texts as the leader of a rapidly growing Saxon uprising in Westphalia in approximately 774. Unlike other Saxon military leaders, Widukind refused to accept baptism and take an oath of …
Widukind of Corvey - Wikipedia
Widukind of Corvey (c. 925 – after 973; German: Widukind von Corvey, in italian Vitichindo Sacco di Corvey, in Latin VVITICHINDI SAXO) was a medieval Saxon chronicler. His three-volume Res gestae Saxonicae sive annalium libri tres is an important chronicle of 10th-century Germany during the rule of the Ottonian dynasty.
The Deeds of the Saxons - Wikipedia
Widukind, proud of his people and history, begins his chronicon, not with Rome, but with a brief synopsis derived from the orally-transmitted history of the Saxons, with a terseness that makes his work difficult to interpret.
Widukind (Sachsen) von Westfalen (0755-0810) - WikiTree
2024年7月17日 · Widukind (8th/9th centuries; modernized name Wittekind) was a Germanic leader of the Saxons and the chief opponent of Charlemagne during the Saxon Wars. Widukind was the leader of the Saxons against the Frankish king Charlemagne (later emperor of the West).
When Charlemagne was in Spain in 778, Widukind came back and, trusting to the Saxon love of independence, organized a war of revenge. Saxon hordes plundered and devastated the region of the middle Rhine, and even threatened Fulda, so that …
Widukind - Wikiwand
Widukind, also known as Wittekind and Wittikund, [1] was a leader of the Saxons and the chief opponent of the Frankish king Charlemagne during the Saxon Wars from 777 to 785. Charlemagne ultimately prevailed, organized Saxony as a Frankish province, massacred thousands of Saxon nobles, and ordered conversions of the pagan Saxons to Christianity.