Everglades Challenge 2024 | Page 7 | Sailing Anarchy Forums
2023年12月17日 · Anybody know anything about FloridaMan? After what looks like tracker issues in the last leg or two, he finished just 7 hours after Ryan Finn for second in Tri solo male. Didn't see anything on FB about him. Would be interested in hearing how he handled paddling a Weta and any other nuggets of wisdom for doing an EC on a Weta.
Megabyte versus Melges 14 | Sailing Anarchy Forums
2019年4月9日 · Or Weta if you're game for a multihull. M14 weighs 120lb (10lbs less than a Laser), MegaByte is really built for heavier guys, same hull weight as a Laser but a little more sail area and a bigger cockpit.
Where's the EC300 thread???? | Page 12 - Sailing Anarchy Forums
2016年3月3日 · Linda’s boat, with Randy’s help, is probably the best prepared Weta to enter thus far. She was doing very well last year when the race was cancelled. Oddly, the boat that was laughed at when it first entered the EC a half decade ago now predominates the event and has proven itself over and over and one of the best vessels for this type ...
Leaving the Bow - Now What? | Page 2 | Sailing Anarchy Forums
2024年7月28日 · If you think your fat ass wouldn't sink a dinghy, a laser, Phantom (tolerates more weight) or a Weta (thrills of the bow without the cost). If you want to go bigger, but a F242 which you can actually sleep and cook and poop and schtup in and tow it to wherever. you want to sail. there are good...
Multihull Anarchy - Sailing Anarchy Forums
2025年1月21日 · Weta anarchy. Pete Pollard; Mar 13, 2014; 72 73 74. Replies 1K Views 119K. Feb 25, 2025. Jethrow. Quorning ...
Neighbor looking for 14' daysailer | Page 2 - Sailing Anarchy Forums
2013年11月23日 · Actually, the Weta is well suited inside Alamitos Bay for taking out non-sailors. It's stability can handle the flukiness of the wind and it is easy to beach for a snack or a restroom break. You are right, advanced sailors will get bored inside really quickly, but newbs will have a great time. Just try not to run over any sups.
Painting Sails - Sailing Anarchy Forums
2011年8月14日 · Need to paint a skull & cross on a weta genneker and wondering what people use on dacron sails. I have a lot airbrushing experience but none on this type of fabric. Most of my paints are urethane's and would prefer that over water base paint. Thanks for any ideas!!
Everglades Challenge 2024 | Page 4 | Sailing Anarchy Forums
2023年12月17日 · The Weta guy is FloridaMan 49er is madmothist . Reactions: Foredeck Shuffle. Pertinacious Tom Importunate ...
Leaving the Bow - Now What? | Page 3 | Sailing Anarchy Forums
2024年7月28日 · My bow career spanned 1976-2007. My move was to trimmer driver. Another good post bow position is pit. If these two positions are filled with post bowman, the current bowman will have a much safer and easier job.
Looking for a 14-16’ sailboat that can cut through chop
2022年10月23日 · in complete agreement. the Weta is, after all, the perfect boat in every way. still. although the boat handles it just fine. the sailor himself must suffer the pain of bouncing the fuck all over. Click to expand...