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2025年1月30日 · Summer EBT will be available in Nevada for Summer 2025. S-EBT is a Child Nutrition program, for children who lose access to free and reduced-price meals through the …
1 Energy Assistance - DWSS
The Energy Assistance Program (EAP) provides a supplement to assist qualifying low-income Nevadans with the cost of home energy. Nevada's EAP program has two funding sources, the …
Current DWSS Job Opportunities
Current Openings. Are you interested in a stable career that will have you looking forward to work every day? Do you have a desire to be part of an amazing team that focuses on helping others?
Quick Links. Do I Qualify for Medical Assistance _____ APPLY FOR BENEFITS; Programs: * Food Assistance * Health Coverage * Cash Assistance
Contact Welfare and Supportive Services - DWSS
Department of Health and Human Services Division of Welfare and Supportive Services
(7/23) 5. Proof of ALL income for EVERY PERSON in the household for at least the last thirty (30) days. Examples of types of income: Employment, child support, social security, Veterans …
5. Is any household member, including a minor child, temporarily out of the home? Yes No If Yes, Name: Reason: Expected date of Return: 6. Is any household member pregnant?
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