WAM-V Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs) | OPT Marine Robotics
Welcome to the future of autonomous watercraft with the Wave Adaptive Modular Vehicle (WAM-V®). Our high-performance class of autonomous surface vehicles (ASVs) incorporates patented suspension technology, revolutionizing seagoing capabilities like never before.
Advantages of WAM-V ASV Technology - OPT Marine Robotics
The WAM-V 16 is the most maneuverable autonomous surface vessel (ASV) available. Capable of turning 360 degrees in its own length, the WAM-V 16 makes quick speed and course corrections, allowing it to have the best on-track performance on the market.
WAM-V Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs) - OPT Marine Robotics
Marine Advanced Robotics' WAM-Vs have a unique design for ultimate performance and wave adaptive suspension. Learn more about our different models. Explore our bestselling ASVs.
Command and Control System - OPT Marine Robotics
When you buy or lease a WAM-V® from OPT, the command and control system is designed for safety and reliability, whether the boat is operated manually or in an autonomous behavior mode. A WAM-V can be operated at a range that surpasses the operator's vision.
Marine Robotics ASVs for Research & Development | Marine …
WAM-V has been the platform of choice for the Maritime RobotX Challenge since its inception in 2014. Held every 2 years, RobotX is the premier international student marine robotics competition. Teams from around the world compete on a variety of autonomous tasks.
ASVs for Defense & Maritime Security | WAM-V - OPT Marine …
Our WAM-V autonomous surface vehicles (ASVs) are ideal for defense and maritime security. They can provide security perimeters, intercept suspicious vessels, and relay valuable information. They can also be equipped with sonars for multi-domain use.
Hydrographic Survey Boats - OPT Marine Robotics
WAM-V ASVs can be used to conduct berth clearance surveys to identify any underwater obstacles or hazards. WAM-V ASVs can be quickly and easily launched from land at the site without need for transit from a distant location.
WAM-V Best Use Cases | ASVs for Marine Surveys, Defense,
Marine Advanced Robotic's WAM-V ASVs are used around the world for marine surveys, defense, maritime security, and more. Learn more about all of our applications.
Explore WAM-V Applications - OPT Marine Robotics
WAM-Vs are employed around the world for marine surveys, maritime security, robotics R&D, and Coast View. Learn more about our ASVs' applications.
Careers - OPT Marine Robotics
We created and developed WAM-V® technology – the Wave Adaptive Modular Vessel – an agile, efficient, and data-enabling autonomous surface vehicle in operation in more than 10 countries worldwide.