Molotov bread basket - Wikipedia
The RRAB-3 (Russian: ротативно-рассеивающая авиационная бомба, "rotationally dispersing aviation bomb"), nicknamed the Molotov bread basket (Finnish: Molotovin leipäkori), was a Soviet-made droppable bomb dispenser that combined a large high-explosive charge with a cluster of incendiary bombs. It was used against the cities of Finland during the Winter War of 1939–1940. The bom…
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Cluster munition - Wikipedia
A basic cluster bomb consists of a hollow shell and then two to more than 2,000 submunitions or bomblets contained within it. Some types are dispensers that are designed to be retained by the aircraft after releasing their munitions. The submunitions themselves may be fitted with small parachute retarders or streamers to slow their descent (allowing the aircraft to escape the blast area i…
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List of cluster bombs - Wikipedia
7 Soviet Union. 8 United Kingdom. 9 United States. 10 References. 11 External links. Toggle the table of contents. List of cluster bombs. 2 languages. Español; Српски / srpski; ... CB-470 …
Timeline: Use of controversial cluster bombs in past …
2023年7月10日 · Russia used air- and ground-launched cluster bombs during a conflict in South Ossetia. Georgia also used cluster munitions.
Brief History of Russian Air-to-Ground Cluster Bombs
A lot has changed since then and modern planes now use advanced cluster bombs, hitting targets with extreme precision and devastation from afar. Here's a closer look at the development of...
RBK cluster bombs -
2015年10月10日 · Human Rights Watch (HRW) alleged that Russia used cluster bombs against civilians, but rejected claims by Russia that Georgia was carrying out “genocide” in South …
2010年4月7日 · Russian and Georgian forces both used cluster munitions during the August 2008 conflict. Submunitions found so far by deminers include the air-dropped AO-2.5 RTM and the …
Cluster munitions - insidious weapons of war – DW – …
2015年12月25日 · According to an observer group, the Russian military has been widely using cluster munitions in its attacks. These types of weapon have been condemned internationally as it hits civilians the...
What is a cluster bomb? What are vacuum bombs and …
2022年3月2日 · As Russia continues its military bombardment of Ukraine by air, land and sea, and places nuclear forces on high alert, here’s what you need to know about vacuum bombs and thermobaric weapons
PTAB (bomb) - Wikipedia
PTAB (Russian ПТАБ, short for Противотанковая Авиабомба, "Antitank Aviation Bomb") was a Soviet World War II high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) shaped charge bomb. Design [ edit ]