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News Cast for February 25th: A small plane suffered damage after a hard landing at the Okeechobee County Airport on Sunday night. The Federal Aviation Administration said the accident occurred at 8:15 pm.
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News Cast January 9th: The cold weather persisted again this morning around Okeechobee, with low temperatures recorded in the mid to upper 30s.
News Cast 12/18 - wokc.com
News Cast for December 18th: The Okeechobee High School Marching Band finished fifth in the annual Florida Marching Bands Championships, this year held in Jupiter.
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News Cast for January 14th: A man missing since August, 2022, was brought back into the spotlight last week when his home in Port Mayaca was damaged by fire.
News Cast 10/21 - wokc.com
News Cast for October 21st: County supports fishing and hunting amendment. The Okeechobee County Board of County Commissioners directed staff to draft a resolution of support for the constitutional amendment that would protect hunting and fishing rights in the state.
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News cast for September 3rd: No trial in shooting case. Okeechobee State attorneys dropped attempted murder charges that stem from a city shooting incident on January 22nd.
News Cast 1/22 - WOKC
News Cast for January 22nd: Two people were killed on SR 78 near Ortona in a three vehicle crash Tuesday afternoon, the Florida Highway Patrol said.
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NEWS – Page 2 - WOKC
News Cast for January 30th: Florida unemployment dropped from 3.6 to 3.1 percent in December. Okeechobee had a similar decline from 3.8 to 3.3 percent during December.
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