55 EARNEST MONEY 56 EARNEST MONEY of $ _____ accompanies this Offer. 57 If the Offer was drafted by a licensee, receipt of the earnest money accompanying this Offer is acknowledged. 58 EARNEST MONEY of $ _____ will be mailed, or commercially, electronically 59 or personally delivered within _____ days (“5” if left blank) after acceptance.
DSPS Real Estate Contractual Forms Library - Wisconsin
WB-6 Business Listing Contract - Exclusive Right To Sell WB-11 Residential Offer to Purchase WB-12 Farm Offer to Purchase WB-13 Vacant Land Offer to Purchase WB-14 Residential Condominium Offer To Purchase WB-15 Commercial Offer to Purchase WB-16 Offer to Purchase - Business With Real Estate Interest WB-17
Residential Offer to Purchase (WB-11) (Fillable Form) - State Bar …
Residential Offer to Purchase (WB-11) (Fillable Form) has been added to your wishlist.
The Real Estate Examining Board (REEB) at the Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) has approved an updated WB-11 Residential Offer to Purchase. The optional use date for the revised WB-11 is November 1, 2019, and the mandatory use date is January 1, 2020. The current WB-11 was last revised in 2011.
Page 2 of 9, WB-11 58 OCCUPANCY Occupancy of the entire Property shall be given to Buyer at time of closing unless otherwise provided in this 59 Offer at lines 165-172 or 438-444 or in an addendum attached per line 436. At time of Buyer's occupancy, Property shall be 60 in broom swept condition and free of all debris and personal property except for personal property …
A"condition affecting the Property or transaction" is defined as follows: [Page 2 of 5, WB-11] planned or commenced public improvements which may result in special assessments or otherwise materially affect the Property or the present use of the Property; of all residential properties. insect or animal infestation of the Property;
WB-11 Residential Offer to Purchase Form - PrintFriendly
The WB-11 Residential Offer to Purchase is a legally binding document used in real estate transactions in Wisconsin. This form outlines the terms and conditions of the offer made by the buyer to purchase a residential property. It includes important details such as purchase price, earnest money, and property conditions. How do I fill this out?
Approved by the Wisconsin Real Estate Examining Board Page 1 of 10, WB-11 11-1-19 (Optional Use Date) 1-1-20 (Mandatory Use Date) 56 . EARNEST MONEY. 57 EARNEST MONEY of $ _____ accompanies this Offer. 58 . If Offer was drafted by a licensee, receipt of the earnest money accompanying this Offer is acknowledged. ...
WB-11 RESIDENTIAL OFFER TO PURCHASE This publication is intended to help you understand the 2011 WB-11 Residential Offer to Purchase (the offer). It is a general discussion and not a substitute for the assistance of a REAL-TOR® or an attorney. The Wisconsin REALTORS® Association recommends that you work with an experienced REALTOR®
PropertyAddress: Page5of9,WB-11 216 IF LINE 217 IS NOT MARKED OR IS MARKED N/A LINES 257-263 APPLY. 217 FINANCING CONTINGENCY ...