Vvvv - YouTube
vvvv - visual live-programming for .NET
2025年3月5日 · vvvv is a visual-first live programming environment for the .NET ecosystem. Its language VL combines metaphors known from dataflow, functional and object oriented programming. There is no need to write any code, unless you really want to.
VVVVVV trailer - YouTube
http://www.gog.com/game/vvvvvv VVVVVV is a retro styled 2D platformer by Terry Cavanagh, creator of dozens of free games. You play as the fearless leader of a team of dimension...
First Steps - vvvv Tutorial - YouTube
In this tutorial, you'll learn the essentials you need to know to create programs with vvvv. Download: https://visualprogramming.net Recorded with vvvv gamma 2020.1 - Don't see the "Renderer"...
vvvv - Wikipedia
vvvv (German pronunciation: [faʊfiːɐ̯] = "Vau Vier" or "v4") is a general-purpose digital toolkit with a special focus on real-time video synthesis and programming of large media environments with physical interfaces, real-time motion graphics, audio and video.
vvvv gamma 入门教程 / 安装 - 了解UI - 哔哩哔哩
第一个视频快速地安装一下vvvv gamma的编写环境,然后看下编辑器的结构,看看程序都长什么样子。
Getting Started | vvvv gamma documentation
If you're new to vvvv, please start reading in the Getting Started section. The NODE Institute is regularly offering live online courses. Upcoming. Past courses still accessible. This reference is structured into the following chapters:
VVVVVV - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
《VVVVVV》,是由 特里·卡瓦纳 (英语:Terry Cavanagh) 设计,马格努斯·保尔松(Magnus Pålsson)作曲的 2D 平台 益智游戏。 游戏于2010年1月11日为 Microsoft Windows 和 Mac OS X 的 Adobe Flash 发布。 游戏在2011年由西蒙·罗斯(Simon Roth)以C++重制,并发布于 Humble Indie Bundle 3 中。 而C++ 复刻版 也使前期取消发布的 Linux 用户得以玩到游戏。 游戏在 任天堂3DS 上发布了复刻版。 此外游戏还被复刻于Open Pandora平台 [1],需要Windows、Mac OS …
弹弹跳跳闪避人 - 百度百科
《弹弹跳跳闪避人》(VVVVVV)是美国Terry Cavanagh开发的一款经典和奇异风格结合的高难度 动作 过关 游戏,发行于2010年1月15日。 《弹弹跳跳闪避人》中玩家扮演一个 太空船 船长,和船员们一起被困在怪异的空间之内,每个人被孤立无援的分开在不同的地方,你要成为大家的领袖,大胆的通过冒险来探索这个神奇的世界并且逃离这个地方,借助心灵传输的力量和对地心引力的控制来完成冒险。 在VVVVVV中玩家控制的是船长Viridian。 在游戏开始时,飞船受到了空间 …
Top Features - vvvv.org
vvvv is a visual-first live programming environment for the .NET ecosystem. Its language VL combines metaphors known from dataflow, functional and object oriented programming. There is no need to write any code, unless you really want to.