B747-200: Vref, V2 and Vmcg - PPRuNe Forums
2002年12月20日 · Tech Log - B747-200: Vref, V2 and Vmcg - I quote from one of my books: "Vref is included on the takeoff data card as a reference for computing enroute climb speeds. Vref varies directly with gross weight and simplifies the additives for climb speeds while V2 is influenced by Vmcg at low gross weights and would
737 Wind increment to Vref - PPRuNe Forums
2001年10月7日 · The Vref additives as recommended by Boeing (and I guess that Airbus has a similar story) are just an attempt to provide sensible guidance to help us keep sensible boundaries on how we might try to achieve the goal of a sweat free landing. OldAeroGuy, I suspect that Mutt and I will enjoy your commentaries on these sort of subjects.
Setting Vref Approach speed 737 - PPRuNe Forums
2019年6月21日 · The green band is ‘on speed’ (“Approach Reference Band”) for “appropriate range of approach AOA for a Vref + 5 approach. It’s Vref +7 in your example even at the higher AOA limit of the ‘on speed’ range. The green band band covers a significant speed range and isn’t as accurate as military AOA ‘on speed’ green donuts.
B737 Vref Ice - PPRuNe Forums
2012年5月8日 · Tech Log - B737 Vref Ice - Hi Folks, I understand that with selection of wing anti-ice (and TAI) that the min maneuvre speed tape and the stick shaker logic are adjusted to account for icing (ie they´re raised). Also that the FMC computed Vref is not adjusted and therefore you have to add 10 kts to Vref 15 in order to
Vref + X and Vtgt Question. DH8 pilots anyone? - PPRuNe Forums
2016年11月3日 · Tech Log - Vref + X and Vtgt Question. DH8 pilots anyone? - Hey guys, Im flying Dhc8 and our sop stating we must add a wind correction for Vref, at least 5kts in no Xwind, or half of Hwind value = after calculation we call that "Vtarget speed".
Boeing 737NG VREF ICE - only for flaps 15? - PPRuNe Forums
2011年11月5日 · Landung using flaps 30 (if performance allows): Use flaps 30 and Vref 30 for landing and flaps 15 for go-around. Go to step 4. Landing using flaps 15: Go to step 2. Step 2 then points to Vref 15 or Vref ICE which is Vref 15+10, step 4 just continoues with the normal flow at Use engine anti-ice on the operating engine only.
Airbus Landing Speeds - PPRuNe Forums
2008年11月6日 · An A320 at 64 tonnes (MLW = 66t): Vref, flap full, is 134 knots and Vref, flap 3, is 139 knots, so the normal approach speed is 139 knots and 143 knots respectively. F speed: Minimum speed at which the flaps may be retracted at takeoff. In approach, used as a target speed when the aircraft is in CONF 2 or CONF 3.
VAPP computation: A320 Abnormal procedure - PPRuNe Forums
2018年3月5日 · Tech Log - VAPP computation: A320 Abnormal procedure - Hello everyone, During an abnormal procedure that would require a landing in config 3, do I have to add the delta VREF before or after having selected config 3 on the MCDU? In other words, is the delta VREF added to VLS config 3 or VLS or config Full? At my company,
B777 VREF Question - PPRuNe Forums
2016年5月13日 · The minimum Vref is approximately 136.4Kts IAS at sea level. Below a certain landing weight (about 195T) Vref 25 will be the same as Vref30 at sea-level, so it is good practice to land flap 25 so you are nearer the "actual" vref- increased landing distance due to less drag is minimal and offset by the decreased likelihood of float.
Help - Boeing OPT Vref question - PPRuNe Forums
2014年8月24日 · The VREF ADD option is for wind gust corrections and control surface/configuration malfunctions. Case for default +5 additive - The speed that is displayed in the results window is the speed at which the threshold is crossed.The threshold speed should be Vref plus half the steady headwind component plus the gust intensity, not to exceed Vref + 20.