Pipeline VP-102 - Verrica Pharmaceuticals
Verricaʼs lead product candidate, VP-102, is a proprietary drug-device combination that contains a GMP-controlled formulation of cantharidin (0.7% w/v) delivered via a single-use applicator that allows for precise topical dosing and targeted administration.
VP-102 - Wikipedia
VP-102 was a Patrol Squadron of the U.S. Navy. It was established as VP-18 on 1 September 1937, redesignated as VP-13 on 1 July 1939, redesignated as VP-26 on 11 December 1939, redesignated as VP-102 on 16 December 1940 and disestablished on 18 April 1942.
传染性软疣治疗药物!Verrica公司VP-102(斑蝥素,0.7%外用溶 …
2020年12月25日 · VP-102是一种专有的药物-设备组合产品,通过外用涂抹给药,用于治疗传染性软疣(molluscum contagiosum)。 该产品的活性药物成分斑蝥素(cantharidin)是昆虫纲动物大斑蝥的有效成分,是一种天然存在的皮肤发泡剂,可导致桥粒斑(desmosomal plaque)的降解,桥粒为上皮细胞特有的一种细胞间粘着结构,发挥细胞与细胞间连接作用。 此次NDA基于两项相同的随机、双盲、多中心III期 临床试验 (CAMP-1和CAMP-2)的阳性结果,这些试验评估 …
Verrica Pharmaceuticals Announces FDA Acceptance of Filing of ...
2023年2月27日 · VP-102 (cantharidin 0.7% Topical Solution) could potentially be the first FDA-approved treatment for molluscum contagiosum, a highly contagious viral skin infection affecting approximately 6 million people in the United States, primarily children
VP-102 Now Approved for the Treatment of Molluscum …
2023年7月21日 · Verrica Pharmaceutical’s VP-102 (Ycanth) was approved today by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of molluscum contagiosum. VP-102 is a drug-device combination that contains a GMP–controlled formulation of cantharidin 0.7% w/v and gentian, a surgical dye meant to clearly mark treated lesions.
五角科技商品-VP-102 2 Port 電腦螢幕分配器 - pstek.com.tw
VP-102 2 Port 電腦螢幕分配器 型號: VP-102 支援16:10 支援UXGA . 商品說明; 商品特色; 商品規格; 連接圖; 配件表 ...
Safety and Efficacy of VP-102 (Cantharidin, 0.7% w/v) in …
VP-102 is drug-device combination product containing cantharidin (0.7% w/v) and has undergone Phase III clinical trials for the treatment of molluscum contagiosum (molluscum). Efficacy and safety may differ by body region due to variable skin anatomy. We investigated the pooled safety and efficacy of VP-102 by affected body region.
Verrica Pharmaceuticals是一家开发皮肤病药物的制药公司,今天公布了关键性III期CAMP试验的最新数据,该试验旨在评估VP-102(斑蝥素局部用溶液)治疗软疣的安全性和有效性。
医学皮肤病学公司 Verrica 近日宣布, FDA 已经批准了 VP-102 的新药申请,用以治疗传染性软疣。 Verrica 总裁兼首席执行官 Ted White 表示: “ 目前,目前尚无 FDA 批准的治疗方法,如患者未经治疗, 感染 性软疣很容易传播,病变平均持续 13 个月 ” 。
2023年7月22日 · Verrica Pharmaceuticals今天宣布,美国FDA批准其所开发的Ycanth(cantharidin,斑蝥素)外用溶液用于治疗2岁及以上成人和儿童传染性软疣(molluscum contagiosum)患者。 Ycanth(VP-102)是一种药械组合,包含蛋白磷酸酶2A抑制剂斑蝥素(0.7%溶液),通过一次性涂抹器局部给药。 目前针对软疣还没有FDA批准的治疗方法,是皮肤病中最大的未竟需求之一。 本网站所转载的文章,均来自互联网,旨在传递更多信息。 鉴于 …