Anyone write Go full time using vim? : r/golang - Reddit
Using nvim + coc.vim and vim-go and is ok. After weeks and weeks configuring shit in vim, I tend to just stick with the simplest solution that isn't vscode. I used to care a lot about workflows …
What's the best Neovim-setup for Go? : r/neovim - Reddit
2022年2月7日 · The first suggestion when googling "Vim Golang" or "Neovim Golang" is always fatih/vim-go. But is it the best, even for Neovim? Does it so much more than gopls via native lsp?
how to go to previous location? : r/vim - Reddit
2018年3月31日 · I am doing the exercises from the book "Learn Vimscript the hard way" and I am trying to find a suitable map to move the cursor back to the previous location when moving in …
Go to definition in Vim : r/vim - Reddit
2016年7月3日 · Vim can do basic things here, like gd to jump to a definition in the same file. Otherwise, Vim supports output from the ctags utility.
Dealing with parentheses and brackets : r/vim - Reddit
2020年4月5日 · However, it is quite tedious in Vim. Go into INSERT mode, type (), then press ESC, then press h, then press a. Then fill out whatever goes into the parenthesis, then press …
how to jump to the definition of a function? : r/vim - Reddit
2020年7月30日 · In the past I used GNUmakefile for C/C++ code, and had a special target to generate a .tags file to use with <C-]>
vim-go vs go.nvim for neovim : r/golang - Reddit
2023年12月15日 · I'm a long time Vim+vim-go user. But I'm now trying out neovim. For Go development, what's the general consensus of vim-go vs. ray-x/go.nvim? vim-go is much more …
Vim-go question. : r/golang - Reddit
2016年12月29日 · To the OP: u/x7C3 is correct: vim-go by default works more like the venerable (and removed since some time ago) filetype plugin and syntax highlighter for Go once shipped …
NvChad (nvim on steroids) + Go setup? : r/golang - Reddit
2021年8月20日 · Before I start crafting my new vim setup based on my usual one (heavily based on vim-go defaults), maybe someone has it already done and willing to share? Share Add a …
Is there a way to go to the previous cursor position in Neovim
2023年4月13日 · I often use 2g; and g;.The latter jumps to the last change position; 2g;, to the second to last. In this way, if you are editing some text, and then you jump to another position, …