CZ 45 - Wikipedia
The Vzor 45, commonly known as CZ 45 is a compact blowback operated semi-automatic pistol chambered in .25 ACP. It was made in Czechoslovakia and later in the Czech Republic. …
Pistole ČZ vzor 45
V polovině roku 1951 rozhodlo Ministerstvo těžkého průmyslu v rámci čištění výrobních programů o předání výroby kapesních pistolí vz. 45 Československým závodům přesného strojírenství …
Pistole vz. 45 : Czech Republic / Czechoslovakia (CZE)
The vz. 45 pistol was created under the direction of Jan Kratochvil, based on the vz. 36 pistol. It was intended primarily for personal protection and in the 1980s it was still used by members of …
VZ 45 New and Used Price, Value, & Trends 2025 - True Gun Value
View the current price and value of new and used a VZ 45 based on 20 sold items over the past year.
CZ vz 45 - FreeExistence.Org
2006年1月2日 · Manufacture vz. 45 pistols began in the year 1945 and in the following year the MNO [Ministry of National Defense] ordered 11,000 of these modernized pistols not only for its …
Classic test: CZ Model 45: a little-known but much-copied pocket …
2006年8月1日 · The Czech designers created the vz 45 only for emergency self-defense at short range. At this mission the gun remains efficient, though low-powered. An eight-shot, full …
VZ 45 - Price and Used Value - Blue Book Of Gun Values
In this article, we provide a detailed analysis of the current market prices and trends for the VZ 45. We've gathered data on new and used prices, fluctuations over the past year, and demand …
CZ 45 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Vzor 45, commonly known as CZ 45 is a compact blowback operated semi-automatic pistol chambered in .25 ACP. It was made in Czechoslovakia and later in the Czech Republic. …
Pistole vz. 45 : Česká republika / Československo (CZE) - Valka.cz
Pitole vz. 45 je pistole s dynamickým závěrem a pouze dvojčinnou spouští (DAO). Zbraň není vybavena manuální pojistkou ani záchytem závěru. V zásobníkové šachtě se nachází …
ceska CZ-45 .25 cal - Guns International
ceska CZ-45 .25 cal Description: Ceska Model VZ-45 pistol...Made in Czechosiovakia...8 rd Magazine...Markings on left side of the Slide, " Ceska Zbrojovka-Narodni Podnik" and under …