VPB-52 - Wikipedia
VPB-52 was a Patrol Bombing Squadron of the U.S. Navy.
Black Cat PBYs: Squadron History of VPB-52 - daveswarbirds.com
7 Aug 1943: VP-52 arrived at Perth, Australia, and commenced reconnaissance patrols and operations from advanced bases in the southwest Pacific. Detachments were located at Exmouth Gulf, Geraldton and Perth. 16 Oct 1943: VP-52 commenced Black Cat operations from Palm Island and New Guinea.
VPNAVY - VP-52 History Summary Page - VP Patrol Squadron
7 Aug 1943: VP-52 arrived at Perth, Australia, and commenced reconnaissance patrols and operations from advanced bases in the southwest Pacific. Detachments were located at Exmouth Gulf, Geraldton and Perth. 16 Oct 1943: VP-52 commenced Black Cat operations from Palm Island and New Guinea.
VP-52 Aircraft Summary Page - VP Patrol Squadron - VPNAVY
AIRCRAFT: VP-52 PBY BUNO: Unknown "...Three Consolidated PBY-5A Catalinas of patrol squadron VP-52 in the south-west Pacific in December 1943. VP-52 was based at Port Moresby, New Guinea at that time and was engaged in so-called "Black Cat" (nighttime) operations..."
On 13 June the squadron turned over its new PBY-5s to VP-52 which had just arrived at NAS Norfolk from Argentia, Newfoundland. In the aircraft exchange the squadron received VP-52’s well-used...
VPNAVY - VP-53 History Summary Page - VP Patrol Squadron
At Coast Guard Air Station, Charleston, the Coast Guard flew Douglas RD-4, Grumman J2F-2, and Fairchild J2K-2 aircraft on coastal and inshore patrols. In return for shared facilities, VP-52 provided copilots for RD and J2K flights. Building at bottom center was a converted warehouse for squadron shops and offices.
VP 52 真空包装机 - Bizerba
vp 52 真空包装机 落地式真空包装机,应用于包装各种类型和尺寸的食品 经过真空包装后的产品可以防止氧化、霉变、虫蛀和受潮,从而延长存储期限。
VP-52 ベーク板 VPシリーズ タカチ電機工業 1枚 VP-52 - 【通販 …
バリコンのステーター側の電極の絶縁サポートを兼ねた本体ボデイフレームに取り付ける部品として使用します。 ベークは高周波特性もHF (短波)帯であれば申し分なく電気的特性も優れた素材であり、また加工性もガラエポ素材よりも木に近い柔らかさがあり加工しやすいのがいいですね。 実際、ガラエポ基盤に0.8mm~1.0mmの切り穴を立てるのはしくじって折ってしまいやすく、ボール盤や専用のドリルチップで穴あけをする必要性が出てきます。 電気的・機械的性 …
VPNAVY - VP-81 History Summary Page - VP Patrol Squadron
09JAN41 - New plane, assigned to VP-52, for work out of NAS Norfolk, Virginia, NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island, and later, NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada - North Atlantic patrols. 16JUN41 - Re-assigned to VP-43, from VP-52 which was re-equipping with later production, higher modification status, planes 01JUL41 - VP-43 renumbered to VP-81
Legends of an Ocean-Crossing Seaplane | Smithsonian
PBYs assigned to U.S. Navy squadron VP-52 were painted black to camouflage their nighttime missions: stalking Japanese vessels in the Pacific.