Hemlock VG | Unfinished - Delta Millworks
Our highly specialized team members are ready to help answer any questions you may have, as well as advise you on the specifics of the project you are working on. *Please note that our …
T&G VG Hemlock 3/4"x5-1/4" - Volterra Architectural Products
VG Hemlock Wood T&G. Lead time is 2-3 weeks. LENGTHS WILL BE 10′-16′. All material comes ¾” x 5-½” (5-¼” Face) call for additional sizes. To view dimensions, see Technical Data. For …
Thermally Modified Wood Collection - UFP-Edge
Additionally, our VG Hemlock (1x6 and 1x8 T&G nickel gap) meets Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) compliance standards, tested and approved for fire-sensitive regions. See Building …
VG Hemlock - Phillips Forest Products
The vertical grain pattern in hemlock lumber can enhance the visual appeal, providing a more uniform and refined appearance. Color of Vertical Grain Hemlock. Hemlock wood tends to …
- 评论数: 132
VG Hemlock Natural Elevate your project with the modern look of thermally modified vertical grain Hemlock siding. Each board showcases the natural beauty of a smooth vertical wood grain …
Mojave Thermal Hemlock VG | Smooth | HD Clear - Delta Millworks
Mojave Thermal Hemlock VG | Smooth | HD Clear Standard Sizes 1x6 Lengths 6'-16'; Delivered in random lengths Grade 85/15
Edge Thermally Modified Wood Collection – VG Hemlock Siding
Exterior cladding that is designed not only to be seen, but to perform in all applications. Available in bevel, nickel gap and v-groove tongue and groove. 20-year limited warranty against rot / …
Hemlock Lumber - Dimensional Lumber Supplier - Liberty Cedar
Hemlock wood is an ideal choice for trimboard, flooring, paneling and ceilings. Hemlock accepts paints, stains and clear finishes with excellent results. Please consider our best grade …
Hemlock Wood Casing, Baseboard, and Mouldings are a great way to update rooms and highlight the special care that has gone into any property. Featuring only the finest grade, you can …
1x4 Vg Hemlock Finish R/L - Hemlock Boards - Knudson Lumber
Find all your top-quality 1x4 Vg Hemlock Finish R/L needs in the hemlock boards, moulding & millwork, building materials section. Shop only at Knudson Lumber in Ellensburg, & Easton …