Remington V3 - Shotgun Forum
2024年11月3日 · But I have a friend with a VersaMax and he loves it. I have no need for a 3 and 1/2-in gun but the V3 is something I would consider. The price isn't bad it's made in the United States of America! My favorite 22 semi-automatic is the 597 I prefer much over the Ruger 1022 with the exception of the magazines. The V3 uses a similar recoil spring ...
Remington V3 review shot beside a Benelli Super Vinci
2018年5月21日 · These are obviously much different firearms. The V3 is gas and the Super Vinci is recoil operated. The Vinci weighs in at 7 lbs whereas the V3 is 7 ¼. Very close to the same. The Vinci had a "cla-clunk"ness to the recoil that the V3 simply did not have. The V3 was just one soft "thunk" of recoil, but the Vinci's recoil was almost felt twice.
Remington V3 - Shotgun Forum
2021年10月13日 · thinking about buying the Remington V3 today but I am worried about this cam pin breaking I hear about on reviews other wise it has great reviews. what's is y'all's thoughts on the gun. was also looking at the Beretta a300 Ultima I just want a good low recoil dove hunting gun thanks for any info.
Remington V3, A Simple Review - Shotgun Forum
2017年9月21日 · I had no real budget for a new gun but I can only wait so long. I don't care about fancy but I don't want junk either. So basically the purchase was based on acceptable functionality and the right price point. I knew I wanted a semi-auto and I came across the V3 a few years ago. The reviews were awesome but it wasn't in production yet.
V3? - Shotgun Forum
2024年11月3日 · I still have a new V3 unfired, wood stock model. Picked it up on clearance when Gander went out of business. Picked up a Versa Max too but I have shot that one. To me, the Versa Max was a great gun with a neat gas system that really works. Remarms must have funding problems or maybe manpower?
V3 vs Versamax - Shotgun Forum
2020年2月8日 · It was a great gun but for the reasons Randy stated above… Once I got the V3 I never touched the versa Max anymore and sold it. 2022 Beretta Xtreme plus 30" - 2020 Beretta 694 32" BFast - 2019 Canuck Enforcer 12ga
Versa Max or V3 - Shotgun Forum
2016年3月11日 · The V3 is the better 3 inch gun at a better price. The trigger alone is a significant upgrade from the VM, and the V3 is far more pleasant to carry. --Randy Guns & Shooting Online
Would you like to buy a V3? - Shotgun Forum
2023年7月1日 · Parts for the V3 are currently available at Gun Repair Center, including the one part that seems to give trouble on the V3. The bolt carrier. I purchased a new stock and forearm for one of my VersaMax from GRC and received my parts in the mail 3 days later.
Remington V3 vs. Mossberg 930 - Shotgun Forum
2017年7月7日 · V3 is definitely not a bad gun for the money. I think you can get a black V3 for around $650-$700 right now depending where you shop. BUT, all I'm saying is that when I pick up a Benelli (or Browning, Beretta, Fabarm) you can tell they are a higher quality firearm.
V3 Turkey Pro - Shotgun Forum
2018年11月1日 · The standard V3 is already a fine duck gun. Why would anyone pay more money for a rail, optics, some sort of TruGlo ported extended choke tube, and a short barrel to whack ducks? --Randy Guns & Shooting Online