What does 0 V exactly mean in an electric circuit mean? - Physics …
2015年3月16日 · In that circuit diagram, the Potential Difference between the V+ and V- connections is equal to the 'Battery Voltage'. Those two resistors, being equal, will ensure that …
Prove that 0v = 0 for an arbitaryvector v belong to V - Physics …
2010年1月16日 · Homework Statement Suppose V is a vector space over F. Prove that 0v(vector) = 0(vector) for an arbitrary vector v belong to V Homework Equations... Insights Blog -- …
V=0, I=0: Open or Short Circuit? - Physics Forums
2012年10月27日 · You could measure V=0 and I=0 off a glass cup. :P If you are talking about circuit theory: then V=0 is a short circuit AND there can be current flowing through it I=0 is an …
If V is a complex inner product and T is an operator on V such that …
2012年12月28日 · As an example, consider the operator T in R^2 that is a counter clockwise rotation of 90 degrees around the origin. Thus , T(x,y) = (-y,x). Obviously, Tv is orthogonal to v …
Differential equation dv/dt = 9.8 - v/5, v(0) = 0 - Physics Forums
2013年1月26日 · A falling object satisfies the initial value problem: dv/dt = 9.8 - v/5, v(0) = 0 1.Find the time that must elapse for the object to reach 98% of its limiting velocity. answer: t = …
Can any1 explain vf^2 = vi^2 + 2ad? - Physics Forums
2005年10月30日 · Hi can anyone explain the logistics of vf^2 = vi^2 + 2ad to me? i mean its one thing to simply remember the equation but, to understand how they came about it is way more …
Why does div(v)=0 for a fluid means that the fluid is incompressible?
2006年2月7日 · Right, that's basically it. Since div(v)=0 the flux through any closed surface is zero. The flux is a measure of how much fluid flows through the surface. Since the surface is …
Simple harmonic motion equations derivation? - Physics Forums
2013年11月23日 · Well I was going through class lecture notes and my professor wrote this When x = A(the maximum value), v=0: E=1/2kA^2 When v = wA, x=0: E=1/2mw^2A^2 where w = …
Is the Hamiltonian H = p^2/2m + V_0r^2 Rotationally Invariant?
2008年2月9日 · Show that the Hamiltonian [tex] H = p^2/2m+V_0r^2 [/tex] corresponding to a particle of mass m and with [tex] V_0 [/tex] constant is a) rotationally invariant. Homework …
A spaceship travelling at 0.8c - Physics Forums
2007年9月14日 · Suppose our sun is about to explode. In an effort to escape, we depart in a spaceship at v = 0.8c and head toward the start Tau Ceti, 12 light years away. When we reach …