Your support to a healthy mouth and teeth | uunn
Scan with uunn & achieve healthier teeth. Hello! We’re uunn (pronounced ooo-n). Our intelligent and simple-to-use app and qualified dental professionals, support you with your teeth care …
Your support to a healthy mouth and teeth - uunn
To be clear, uunn wasn’t and isn’t created as a replacement for your regular dental check-ups. We’re here to take care of you for the time in-between. To give you the thumbs up when your …
Your support to a healthy mouth and teeth - uunn
uunn is designed to support you with improving & maintaining the state and health of your teeth and gums. You'll have access to our plaque detecting technology • gums and mouth reviewed …
Your support to a healthy mouth and teeth | uunn
uunn aims to enable customers to better understand how well they are brushing their teeth. It does this by identifying any teeth that have early-level plaque located on them, quantifying the …
Your support to a healthy mouth and teeth | uunn
This privacy policy will inform you how we look after your personal data when you visit our website (regardless of where you visit it from) or use uunn (which consists of a physical lens (the …
World’s First Health Tracker For Your Teeth | uunn
uunn is getting ready to release the world's first health tracker for your teeth. Our lens works by accessing your smartphone camera to highlight any areas of plaque.
Your support to a healthy mouth and teeth | uunn
uunn is getting ready to release the world's first health tracker for your teeth. Our lens works by accessing your smartphone camera to highlight any areas of plaque.