Unkel - Wikipedia
Unkel is a town in the district of Neuwied, in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. It is situated on the right bank of the Rhine, near Remagen, about 20 km southeast of Bonn. Rhine in Unkel, view …
Unkel – Historic Town on the Rhine with Picturesque Old Town …
The old town of Unkel charms with its half-timbered houses, narrow alleys, and historical squares. Stroll through the picturesque streets, discover charming cafes and restaurants, and visit St. …
Kulturstadt Unkel
Der Sommer rockt: „Unkel Live“ ist eine neue Veranstaltungsreihe in der Kulturstadt. Im Mai, Juli, August und September treten am Löwenburgplatz Bands unterschiedler Genres auf. Mehr
Unkel Map - Village - Neuwied, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Unkel is a town in the district of Neuwied, in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. It is situated on the right bank of the Rhine, near Remagen , about 20 km southeast of Bonn . Unkel is the seat of …
Home | Unkel Joe's Woodshed
At Unkel Joe's Woodshed, you'll find quality gift, housewares, sporting goods, hobby, Christmas, and seasonal items.
Unkel | Rhine River Towns | Rhineland-Palatinate - Germany Travel
Unkel sits on the eastern bank of Rhine and is a municipality of Rhineland-Palatinate. The history of this picturesque town can be traced back to 886 when it was first called “Oncale”. A city wall …
Kulturstadt Unkel - Sehenswürdigkeiten
Unkel ist einer der wenigen Orte am Mittelrhein mit einer autofreien Rheinpromenade. Der Weg direkt am Flussufer lädt ein zum Bummeln und bietet fantastische Ausblicke auf Drachenfels …
Christina Unkel - Wikipedia
Christina Unkel (née Ibanez; born 1986 or 1987) is an American broadcaster and former football referee.
Stadt Unkel | Verbandsgemeinde Unkel - vgvunkel.de
Als Tourismus- und Kulturstadt genießt Unkel mit seiner einzigartigen Rheinpromenade, dem Willy-Brandt-Forum im Ortskern, seinem Stadtbild und seinen gepflegten gastronomischen …
Unkel - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Unkel is a city in the district of Neuwied, Rhineland-Palatinate, in the country of Germany. It is on the Rhine River.