UN编号1848-丙酸,按质量含酸不小于10%和小于90%-PROPIONIC …
UN1848,丙酸,按质量含酸不小于10%和小于90%,PROPIONIC ACID with not less than 10% and less than 90% acid by mass货物运输规则,包括IMDG、IATA及JT/T617下的危货分类、运输名称、运输标签、包装组别及其它特殊规定。
Propionic acid with not less than 10% and less than 90% acid by …
Substance information for UN 1848 - Propionic acid with not less than 10% and less than 90% acid by mass based on the Hazardous Materials Table (Title 49 CFR 172.101) to assist in preparing a risk assessment for loading, transporting and storing hazardous materials.
Propionic acid CAS#: 79-09-4 - ChemicalBook
First described by Johann Gottlieb in 1844, propanoic acid has become one of the most widely used additives in processed foods for human consumption and animal feedstocks. Originally, Gottlieb found the compound among the degradation products of certain sugars.
国連番号1848|UN1848|プロピオン酸(濃度が10質量%以上90 …
UN1848とも表記され、IMDGコード(国際海上危険物規程)でのクラスや危険物船舶運送及び貯蔵規則、船舶による危険物の運送基準等を定める告示、航空機による爆発物等の輸送基準等を定める告示等で規定されている容器・包装の方法や品名、分類、積載方法、危険性等について規定があります。 同じ国連番号をもつ危険物でも名称とその取扱い方、ハンドリング方法が異なる品目があります。 また同一の危険物でも船便とエアー便とでは積載できるものから、規制内 …
PROPIONIC ACID with not less than 10% and less than 90% acid …
ADR data for UN1848 PROPIONIC ACID with not less than 10% and less than 90% acid by mass
ADR 2023 | UN 1848, PROPIONIC ACID with not less than 10
Table A View Change; UN No. 1848: NAME and description: PROPIONIC ACID with not less than 10% and less than 90% acid by mass: Class: 8: Classification code: C3: Packing group
Propionic acid [UN1848] [Corrosive] | Drug Information, Uses, Side ...
Know about technical details of Propionic acid [UN1848] [Corrosive] like: chemical name, chemistry structure, formulation, uses, toxicity, action, side effects and more at Pharmacompass.com.
79-09-4 | CAS DataBase - ChemicalBook
UN1848 Propionic acid, Hazard class: 8; Labels: 8-Corrosive material. UN3463 Propionic acid, with not <90% acid by mass, Hazard Class 8; Labels: 8-Corrosive material, 3-Flammable liquid. [Incompatibilities] The substance is a medium strong acid. Incompatible with sulfuric acid, strong bases; ammonia, isocyanates, alkylene oxides; epichlorohydrin.
UN 1848 - Corrosive Class 8 Placards - GC Labels
UN1848 Corrosive Class 8 Placards and Orange Panels for all DOT Regulated Materials - Tagboard, Removable Vinyl, Rigid Vinyl, Permanent Vinyl, Aluminum, Magnetic
UN/NA 1848 | CAMEO Chemicals | NOAA
UN/NA datasheets display several items from the ERG: material names, response guide PDFs, initial isolation and protective action distances, warnings about toxic-by-inhalation gases that may be produced if the material spills in water, and polymerization hazards.