Urban Indigenous Homeward Bound - OFIFC
Urban Indigenous Homeward Bound (UIHB) is a four-year initiative that aims to systematically address the barriers sole-parenting Indigenous women face when trying to find meaningful …
Urban Indigenous Homeward Bound (UIHB) - OFIFC - YouTube
Urban Indigenous Homeward Bound (UIHB) is a four-year initiative that aims to systematically address the barriers sole-parenting Indigenous women face when trying to find...
- [PDF]
UIHB - amo.on.ca
UIHB is a four-year initiative that aims to systematically address the barriers sole- parenting Indigenous women face when trying to find meaningful employment, enhanced wellbeing, and …
Supports and Services - Hamilton Regional Indian Centre
The UIHB program aims to see each of our women, upon completion of the program, move into independent housing and maintain steady employment at a livable wage. Throughout our four …
Urban Indigenous Homeward Bound Program - Dnfc
UIHB women attend a post-secondary program, in a discipline geared to meet current demands of the labour market and their goals. Homeward Bound’s Industry Council/Private Sector provide …
Urban Indigenous Homeward Bound Evaluation (2018)
The Urban Indigenous Homeward Bound Program (UIHB) is an innovative initiative that aims to tackle the complex and multiple barriers faced by sole-parent Indigenous women when trying …
mental health supports. UIHB is currently being developed and implemented in seven Friendship Centre co. Indigenous communities. This evaluation demonstrates that wholistic, wraparound …
Nogojiwanong Friendship Centre - Urban Indigenous Homeward …
The UIHB uses a four-phased program model that aims to systematically address the barriers sole-parenting Indigenous women face when trying to find meaningful employment, enhanced …
Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres (OFIFC)
2024年5月29日 · “Urban Indigenous Homeward Bound (UIHB) ” 2014 – 2024. By tackling multiple barriers to education and employment success, the Urban Indigenous Homeward Bound …
ded to participants as they move forward. By coordinating supports for participants, UIHB helps remove barriers that have historically kept mother-led families in poverty and provides stability, …