Answers to your questions about transgender people, gender …
2024年7月8日 · Transgender is an umbrella term used to describe people whose gender identity (sense of themselves as male or female) or gender expression differs from socially …
Respuestas a sus preguntas sobre las personas trans, la identidad …
Otras se dan cuenta de sus identidades trans o comienzan a experimentar y explorar actitudes y conductas desconformes con el género durante la adolescencia o mucho más adelante en …
Transgender Identity Issues in Psychology
APA resolution supporting full equality for transgender and gender-variant people, the cultural context surrounding transgender issues, the national transgender discrimination survey, the …
“Trans” se usa aveces para abreviar la palabra “transgénero”. Aunque la palabra transgénero generalmente tiene una connotación positiva, no todas las personas cuyo aspecto o …
(transgender),有时被称为变性人(trans)。 虽然跨性别者一词不带任何褒或贬义,但不 是所有外形或行为与性别不符的人都会把自 己看成是跨性别者。流行文化、学术界及科 学界不断改变对 …
Defining transgender terms - American Psychological Association …
Trans-affirmative: Being aware of, respectful and supportive of the needs of transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals. Transgender: An umbrella term encompassing those …
IEEE的TRANS系列是什么,是不是TRANS系列的基本上都是顶刊 …
trans系列只能说是IEEE旗下不错的期刊系列,但是也有水的~ 当然我说的水是期刊文章质量的水,而不是什么中科院分区不高. 比如IEEE trans VLSI虽然是四区的期刊,但是文章质量很高, …
TGNC people and trans-affirmative care, the level of soci-etal stigma and discrimination that TGNC people face, and the significant mental health consequences that TGNC peo-ple …
Children of trans parents may be faced with navigating anti-transgender bias and may experience minority stress due to anti-transgender discrimination. You can help your child be involved and …
Advocating for transgender and nonbinary youths
2022年7月1日 · Trans and nonbinary people already suffer disproportionately from suicidality and other mental health issues. According to a survey by the Trevor Project of over 40,000 …