Types of Eunuchs in Imperial Rome - ThoughtCo
2018年7月18日 · Thlibiae were those eunuchs whose testicles were bruised or pressed. Mathew Kuefler says the word comes from the Greek verb thlibein "to press hard." The process was to tie the scrotum tightly in order to sever the vas deferens without amputation.
terminology used to describe a eunuch (spadon = tear off; ektomias = cut off; thlibiae = to press, squeeze, pinch; thlasiae = to crush, bruise). Pliny and Columella offer a wealth of information on how to castrate various animals (see Chapter 3), but there is relatively little to be found regarding the process of castrating human beings.
乌拉诺斯、亚当与太监:阉割手术的历史 - 澎湃新闻
2020年6月24日 · 拜占庭罗马人称他们为“castrati”(没有阴茎和阴囊)、“spadones”(没有睾丸但有阴茎)和“thlibiae”(睾丸被碾碎)。 通过大规模的阉割,拜占庭人和中国人在他们的社会中创造了一个独立的太监阶层。
Thlibiae in Greek refers to the "pressed."6 Thladiae refers to the "crushed."7 And castrati in Latin refers to those whose gonads (and pos- sibly penis also) were surgically detached from the body.
男性阉割史原来从古希腊就开始 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2020年6月3日 · 拜占庭羅馬人分別稱為「castrati」(沒有陰莖或陰囊)、「spadones」(沒有睪丸但有陰莖)和「thlibiae」(睪丸被碾碎者)。中國和拜占庭都有大規模的閹割手術,也因此形成了閹人專屬的社會階級。
罗马帝国的宦官类型_Spado - 搜狐
2021年8月10日 · Thlibiae是那些睾丸被瘀伤或压迫的太监。 Mathew Kuefler 说这个词来自希腊语动词thlibein “用力按压”。 这个过程是将阴囊紧紧地系在一起,以便在不截肢的情况下切断输精管。
Male Castration in History - SpringerLink
2023年12月31日 · Three varieties of eunuchs were recognized in antiquity: (1) Castrati, clean-cut, both penis and testicles were removed; (2) Spadones, testicles only were removed; and (3) Thlibiae, testicles were bruised and/or crushed [1–3].
What Are Eunuchs In Ancient China? (Tai Jian) - Son Of China
2021年10月19日 · Thladiae/Thlibiae. These were a type of eunuchs who didn’t have any of their genitalia cut off. Thladiae rather meant that they had crushed testicles. Thlibiae on the other hand meant that they had bruised testicles, done by pressing against the testicles or tying the scrotum tightly. These methods were much safer than cutting off organs.
Long-Term Consequences of Castration in Men: Lessons from the …
1999年12月1日 · Castration of men and males of other species was almost certainly the first experiment in endocrinology (if not in zoology), and the literature on the subject is vast.
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