While road conditions can change rapidly, DriveTexas.org is an industry leader in providing some of the most accurate and up-to-date travel-related information currently available to drivers in Texas.
To view conditions by roadway, use the Texas Roadway list. For specific results, use more than one list. Example: Select Flood (condition), Travis (county) and I-35 (roadway) to see all flood conditions on I-35 in Travis County.
To view conditions by roadway, use the Texas Roadway list. For specific results, use more than one list. Example: Select Flood (condition), Travis (county) and I-35 (roadway) to see all flood conditions on I-35 in Travis County.
To view conditions by roadway, use the Texas Roadway list. To view conditions by county, use the Texas County list. To view conditions by district, use the Texas District list.
What about the red, orange, and green when I turn on the 'Traffic' button? The Traffic layer is provided by Google Maps. You can find more information at Google Maps Help.
Disclaimer: For your safety, DriveTexas endeavors to provide accurate, current information. Road conditions can change quickly, and we encourage drivers to exercise caution and travel only when absolutely necessary if conditions are poor.