Scarred Lands Campaign Setting: Termana - EN World
2004年2月8日 · Termana's problems didn't end after the Divine War, as some decade later, undead began waging war on the nations of southwestern Termana. For decades to come western Termana would be beset by legions of creatures coming from the Isle of the Dead, a place so enfused with negative energy that living creatures can scarcely come near to its shores.
[Scarred Lands] clean Termana map? - EN World
2003年8月12日 · Yes there is a Termana HC. While it was under the direction of Joseph Carriker, Ari Marmell (aka Mousefertu) is in charge of it. He also announced that WW release schedule has it slated for 9/28/03 (So no much longer.)
My review of the Scarred Lands Gazetter: Termana - EN World
2002年10月19日 · Since I can't seem to post a review I'll just give a breif one here. The book has a nice fold out map much like the cover does. Geographically speaking, the continent is more of a large atoll in some ways than an actual continent, but that's part of …
[Scarred Lands] Termana Map - EN World
2003年5月12日 · Tor, according Joseph "The SSS-Druid" Carriker, it's correct. Termana IS bigger than Ghelspad. See the recent chat transcript from Mortality Radio to prove it. (They couldn't get his phone to work so they did chat version wise.)
Scarred Lands Gazetteer: Termana - EN World
2002年11月30日 · WotC/TSR Alumni Look Back 4 Hours w/RSD (Ryan Dancey) The Road to 3E (Jonathan Tweet) Greenwood's Realms (Ed Greenwood) Drawmij's TSR (Jim Ward)
My review of the Scarred Lands Gazetter: Termana - EN World
2002年10月19日 · Just for you buddy, I changed the release info so that you can post your review. Thanks Joe! Btw if you could also do me a favor and fix that overdue thing...
My review of the Scarred Lands Gazetter: Termana - EN World
2002年10月19日 · Top 5 RPGs Compiled Charts 2004-Present Adventure Game Industry Market Research Summary (RPGs) V1.0 Ryan Dancey: Acquiring TSR Q&A With Gary Gygax D&D Rules FAQs TSR, WotC, & Paizo: A Comparative History D&D Pronunciation Guide Million Dollar TTRPG Kickstarters Tabletop RPG Podcast Hall of Fame Eric Noah's Unofficial D&D 3rd …
[ScarredLands] Termana hardcover - EN World
2003年8月5日 · Hey, folks. A number of people have asked me, on several threads and on several boards, when the Termana hardcover is coming out. Well, SSS has updated their release schedule, and the Termana book is officially scheduled for release on the first of September. Just thought you might like to know.
My review of the Scarred Lands Gazetter: Termana - EN World
2002年10月27日 · WotC/TSR Alumni Look Back 4 Hours w/RSD (Ryan Dancey) The Road to 3E (Jonathan Tweet) Greenwood's Realms (Ed Greenwood) Drawmij's TSR (Jim Ward)
[Scarred Lands] clean Termana map? | Page 2 - EN World
2003年8月13日 · Very Nice I'm glad to see this is coming out soon too. I thought Ghelspad was a great read. I'm also glad to see that it will be hard cover. Nightfall - by chance do you know if they will ever release Scarred Lands novels?