Tapered element oscillating microbalance - Wikipedia
A tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) is an instrument used for real-time detection of aerosol particles by measuring their mass concentration. It makes use of a small vibrating glass tube whose oscillation frequency changes when aerosol particles are deposited on …
1405 TEOM™ Continuous Ambient Particulate Monitor
Take continuous direct mass measurements of particulates using a tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) with the Thermo Scientific™ 1405 TEOM™ Continuous Ambient Particulate Monitor. This monitor measures TSP, PM-10, PM-2.5, and PM-1 airborne particulates with excellent short term precision.
TEOM Technology for Particulate Matter Measurement
Particulate matter monitoring systems that employ tapered element oscillating microbalances (TEOM) technology are “gravimetric” instruments that draw (then heat) ambient air through a filter at a constant flow rate, continuously weighing the filter and calculating near real-time mass concentrations of particulate matter.
2009年6月17日 · "Thermo Scientific TEOM® 1405-DF Dichotomous Ambient Particulate Monitor with FDMS ®," configured for dual filter sampling of fine (PM2.5) and coarse particles using the US EPA PM10 inlet specified in 40 CFR 50 Appendix L, Figs. L-2 thru L-19 and a virtual impactor, with a total flow rate of 16.67 L/min, fine sample
The Thermo Scientific ™ TEOM 1405-F Ambient Particulate Monitor measures PM-10 and PM-2.5 mass concentration as it exists in the ambient air. The 1405-F monitor is composed of a Filter Dynamics Measurement System (FDMS) and a Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance (TEOM) mass sensor housed in a single cabinet, network-ready
To help our customers keep track of the changes to the TEOM 1405 sampler and its operating guide, following is a list of the sections with their respective revision numbers:
On the equivalence of gravimetric PM data with TEOM and beta ...
2004年9月1日 · PM TEOM (or if applicable PM beta) represents the nonvolatile fraction since the heating process up to 40°C should have vaporized all semivolatile material. The second term which usually is much smaller than the first one, represents the semivolatile fraction.
Thermo TEOM 1405-DF - CleanAir Engineering
The Thermo TEOM 1405-DF provides direct mass measurements and FDMS to account for volatile and non-volatile PM fractions. Designed to meet U.S. and international particulate matter monitoring regulations for PM2.5 and PM10.
Performance evaluation of the portable MiniVOL particulate …
2001年12月1日 · The TEOM–MiniVOL regression equation suggests that TEOM measurements increased relative to the MiniVOL measurements with an increase in ambient concentration, wind speed, and temperature. The relationship between temperature and the TEOM–MiniVOL difference was likely a function of the TEOM's operating characteristics.
Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance A Monitor For Short …
The TEOM measures the mass of collected participates, indepen- dent of their composition, atomic number, optical properties, shapes, or other properties. It is potentially a strong competitor for existing beta-attenuation and QCM methods for measuring short- term ambient aerosol trends.