T-55 AM2B (1985) - tank-afv.com
After the T-54B, the Czech built T55AM and AM2, the AM2B is the final coldwar non-Soviet evolution of the type. Only a handful were so modernized and served in both the East German and Czech armies before the collapse of the Warsaw Pact.
T-54/T-55 - Wikipedia
From the late 1950s, the T-54 eventually became the main tank for armoured units of the Soviet Army, armies of the Warsaw Pact countries, and many others. T-54s and T-55s have been involved in many of the world's armed conflicts since their introduction in the second half of the 20th century. The T-54/55 series is the most-produced tank in history.
T-55AM/AM2 - SBWiki - Steelbeasts.com
2022年9月6日 · The T-55AM and T-55AM2 are upgrades of the T-55A which appeared during the late 1970s and early 1980s to address the need for additional protection and firepower against the threat of man-portable ATGMs and more powerful RPG type weaponry, along with extending the service life of a numerous but increasingly obsolete design.
T-55AM2 - Army Guide
Caliber Prague Limited of the Czech Republic is offering for export the upgraded T-55 series MBT, designated the T-55AM2.
Czech T55 AM2 walkaround | Gunboards Forums
2011年5月19日 · The tank is a Czech T55 AM2 which was the last standard upgrade done to the T55's before the wall came down. The engine is a bit more powerful with 640HP and the armor has been upgraded along with new fire control electronics.
Tank T-55 AM2 "Kladivo" ("Hammer") - YouTube
2017年12月27日 · The tank T-55 AM2 was created in the 1980s by uprading the original T-55A. One of the main adjustments are the new fire control system "Hammer", instalation of laser targeting detection warning...
T-55AM2 : Czechoslovakia (CZK) - Armedconflicts.com
Tank T-55AM2 was created by modernizing the tank T-55A. T-54AM2 is a modernized version of tanks T-54M (T-54AM). During the modernization, modernization elements and systems were used and built, which increase the overall combat value of the tank.
T-54/T-55 operators and variants - Wikipedia
The T-54/T-55 tank series is the most widely used tank in the world and has seen service in over 50 countries. It has also served as the platform for a wide variety of specialty armoured vehicles. [1][2] Abkhazia: A number of T-55s were in service at the beginning of …
Tank T – 55 AM2 – Kladivo - Forces News
Tank T-55 AM2 vznikl v 80. letech 20. století modernizací původního T-55A. K nejzásadnějším úpravám patřilo použití systému řízení palby Kladivo, instalace systému detekce a indikace laserového ozáření SDIO a montáž přídavného pancéřování korby a věže.
Mortar - T 55 AM2
Modernization version from the ČSSR; Reinforced undercarriage, newly developed electronic fire control system KLADIVO with laser range finder, laser warning system, ballistic computer, …