North American T-28 Trojan - Wikipedia
The North American Aviation T-28 Trojan is a radial-engine military trainer aircraft manufactured by North American Aviation and used by the United States Air Force and United States Navy …
T-28坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
t-28坦克是蘇聯研製的一種中型坦克,於1931年完成設計,從1932年晚期開始生產。t-28的設計主旨是用來支援步兵以突破敵人的堅強防線,該車也被設計為用來配合t-35重型坦克進行作戰, …
T-28中型坦克 - 百度百科
T-28中型坦克(英文:T-28 Medium Tank),是20世纪30年代苏联研制的第一种中型坦克。T-28中型坦克是用来支援步兵以突破敌人的坚强防线,并配合T-35重型坦克进行作战,两车也有 …
T-28 Trojan - NHHC
Introduced during the 1950s, North American's T-28 Trojan served into the 1980s in the Naval Air Training Command. T-28s were also actively utilized in the Vietnam War by the U.S. and South...
North American T-28B Trojan - National Museum of the USAF
North American designed the T-28 to replace the World War II era T-6 trainer. First flown in September 1949, the Trojan entered production in 1950. An 800-hp engine powered the USAF …
Home | T-28TrojanFoundation
The T28TrojanFoundation provides a detailed history of the T-28 aircraft and the many people involved with it from its North American Aviation origins, production, use as a military trainer to …
T-28:回顾,特点,对比 - WoT Asia
t-28是由伏罗希洛夫机械设计实验局研发的战车。 战车1933年8月11日加入部队服役。 在列宁格勒基洛夫工厂进行量产,并在期间进行了数次设计改动,1933年到1940制造共503辆。
North American T-28 Trojan - Warbird Alley
The T-28's service career, though long, was finally ended by the introduction of the T-34 turboprop trainer, but the T-28 lives on as one of the most popular piston-powered warbirds in …
T-28 TROJAN - Warbird Registry
The T-28 Trojan was the first US attack fixed wing aircraft (non-transport type) lost in SOUTH Vietnam, during the Vietnam War. Capt. Robert L. Simpson, USAF, Detachment 2A, lst Air …
NORTH AMERICAN T-28 “TROJAN” - Plane & Pilot Magazine
1999年11月30日 · The North American T-28 was the first U.S. military trainer to be outfitted with tricycle landing gear. It was designed for the U.S. Air Force as a replacement for the AT-6 as …