VCD, SVCD, DVD Newbie beginners guide - VideoHelp Forum
2004年11月26日 · With SVCD you can get much higher video quality, especially much more sharpen picture than VCD because of the higher resolution, but then only about 45-60 minutes/CD and far from all DVD Players supports SVCD. I recommend to get a Dual DVD Writer ($100) and burn DVD. Download and test a VCD sample here, SVCD here and DVD here.
SVCD in 2022 - VideoHelp Forum
2022年5月23日 · VCD is a poor-quality format compared to a well-made SVCD .., VCD uses older MPEG1 compression, low resolution, no interlacing support, no subtitles, no many audio tracks, no aspect ratio, is not flexible in terms of video and audio bitrate selection, as a industry standard it has many limitations.
CVD:What is it,how to test it & what to expect! - VideoHelp Forum
2002年6月22日 · The History: What is CVD, SVCD (Super VCD) and Chaoji VCD As we all know, Super Video CD is an enhancement to Video CD, that was developed by a Chinese government-backed committee of manufacturers and researchers, on 1998. But SVCD, the way we know it today, was the final version of the second generation CD based movie media in China.
How to rip the video from (S)VCD CDs or BIN/CUE images
2007年3月31日 · BIN/CUE SVCD to MPG How to extract the mpg video file(s) from BIN/CUE SVCD file. Tools: Isobuster. Install and run Isobuster. Select File->Open Image File and open the CUE file. Click on the MPEG2 folder. Select all mpg files and right click and select Extract but filter only M2F2 Mpg frames. Save the new file as filename.mpg.
Quality Difference between VCD, SVCD, DVD? - VideoHelp Forum
2004年5月21日 · Both SVCD and VCD claim to support image sizes up to 704x(NTSC/PAL lines). DVD claims to support 720 pixels horizontally, and can do widescreen (little widescreen propaganda dance ensues). So, in theory, a DVD slideshow should be a tad bit better quality, resolution wise.
Authoring (VCD/SVCD) - VideoHelp Forum
2003年8月26日 · Authoring (VCD/SVCD) Everything about authoring and burning video as VCD, SVCD, CVD or X(S)VCD with chapters, menus and still pictures.
VCD, SVCD, XVCD, XsVCD - VideoHelp Forum
2002年1月10日 · Also, although SVCD supports selectable subtitles, most stand alone DVD players don't And the software you need to make them (I-author) is next to impossible to find and only sold in China. So most people make permanant subtitles. VCD and SVCD don't support 'true chapters' like DVDs. But you can make entrypoints that work just like chapters.
SVCD Quality v.s. VCD Quality - VideoHelp Forum
2003年1月12日 · SVCD is better but you're not going to notice any significant quality gain if using the same bit rate (eg 1150 kbit MPEG-1 vs 1150 kbit MPEG-2). You can decrease the bitrate from 2500 to squeeze a movie on two CDs.
VCD VS. SVCD - VideoHelp Forum
2001年12月1日 · SVCD - standard super videoCD, MPEG2, again, "what is" for more info XSVCD - nonstandard super videoCD, MPEG2 If an SVCD is created at > 3000 Kbps, it is an XSVCD, not an XVCD. Big difference. And no, that kind of bitrate is absolutely NOT required to make an SVCD look better than a VCD, or an XVCD for that matter. That was why I made the MPEG2 ...
Problem with my SVCD m2v files... No sound ... - VideoHelp Forum
2003年9月1日 · I downloaded the SVCD m2v files, and I don't have a file called "the same name as the m2v".mp2. I know that the m2v are supposed to be video only files, but my has sound. Therefore they should be regular mpgs. But it's not the standard codec since AVICodec says "Cyberlink Video/SP" instead of MPEG-2(SVCD/DVD)... And when i burn them they are ...