Starfall Education: Kids Games, Movies, Books & Music for K-5 and …
At Starfall, children have fun while they learn - specializing in reading, phonics & math - educational games, movies, books, songs, and more for children K-5 and above.
Learn to Read with Phonics | Starfall Education
Starfall™ books, games, movies, and songs follow a research-based method of systematic phonics starting with consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words. Emergent readers gain confidence as they progress to long vowels and other letter-sound relationships such as digraphs.
Welcome to Starfall Pre-K & Kindergarten
At Starfall, children have fun while they learn. Educational games, movies, books, songs, and more for Pre-K and Kindergarten learners.
Welcome to Starfall Grade 123
At Starfall, children have fun while they learn. Educational games, movies, books, songs, and more for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade learners.
2nd Grade Math, Learning Games - Starfall
Starfall TM presents second grade math activities that focus on place value, strategies for addition and subtraction, number lines, equal groups of objects as a foundation for multiplication, and real-world applications that will help students understand word problems. Common Core State Standards in Mathematics: 2.NBT.A.1, 2.NBT.A.3 (place ...
Welcome to Starfall Grades 4 & 5
At Starfall, children have fun while they learn. Educational games, movies, books, and more for 4th and 5th grade learners.
Starfall Worldwide
Starfall is a nonprofit organization that provides hundreds of fun and interactive online activities to millions of children. Although designed for native English speakers, the activities are often used for learning English as a second language.
Starfall Parent-Teacher Center - About Us - Starfall Education
We create free and low-cost experiences whereby children can successfully learn through exploration. On the Starfall website and in Starfall classrooms, children have fun while learning in an environment of collaboration, wonderment, and play.
Parent-Teacher Center | Starfall
Starfall.com for teachers and parents! Download FREE customizable worksheets, lesson plans, and more for Math and English Language Arts. Perfect for Pre-K and K–3 instruction.
Kindergarten Math - Starfall
Interactive kindergarten math activities and games to help children learn basic math concepts.