9K35箭-10 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
9k35「箭-10」(俄语: 9К35 «Стрела-10» )是一种高机动、光学瞄准、光学或红外制导,低空近程地对空导弹系统。 該系統主要用於對付低空威脅,例如直升機。北约命名为sa-13「囊鼠」。
9K35 Strela-10 - Wikipedia
The 9K35 Strela-10 (Russian: 9К35 «Стрела-10»; English: arrow) is a Soviet highly mobile, short-range surface-to-air missile system. It is visually aimed, and utilizes optical/infrared-guidance. The system is primarily intended to engage low-altitude threats, such as helicopters. "9K35" is its GRAU designation; its NATO reporting name is SA-13 "Gopher".
9K32便携式防空导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
العربية; Azərbaycanca; Беларуская; Български; Bosanski; Čeština; Dansk; Deutsch; English; Español; فارسی; Suomi; Français; עברית
SA-9导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
9K31. 9K31 "箭(Strela)-1"(俄语:9К31 "Стрела-1" , 北約代號:SA-9 "灯笼裤(Gaskin)")是一种高机动低空短程红外寻的地对空导弹系统。 车载平台为BRDM-2两栖轮式装甲车。每辆发射车在炮塔两侧各配有一组双联9M31导弹,导弹密封包装。
9K32 Strela-2 - Wikipedia
The 9K32 Strela-2 (Russian: Cтрела, lit. 'Arrow'; NATO reporting name SA-7 Grail) is a light-weight, shoulder-fired, surface-to-air missile or MANPADS system. It is designed to target aircraft at low altitudes with passive infrared-homing guidance and destroy them with a high-explosive warhead.. Broadly comparable in performance with the US Army FIM-43 …
2022年2月23日 · “箭-10”短程防空导弹系统是作为以前的 Strela-1 的继任者而开发的。2014 年,在乌克兰持续的军事冲突中,乌克兰的 An-30 侦察机在 “箭-10”的火力中丧生。国防工业代表和军事专家认为,新…
Secondary Religious Education Leaders Association of SA | SRELA ...
The Secondary Religious Education Leaders Association (SRELA) was established in 2005, with membership comprising Catholic secondary school Religious Education Coordinators (RECs), Religious Educators and representatives of the Religious Education team of Catholic Education of South Australia (CESA).
9K34 Strela-3 - Wikipedia
The 9K34 Strela-3 (Russian: 9К34 «Стрела-3», 'arrow', NATO reporting name: SA-14 Gremlin) is a man-portable air defense missile system developed in the Soviet Union as a response to the poor performance of the earlier 9K32 Strela-2 (SA-7 Grail) system. The missile was largely based on the earlier Strela 2, and thus development proceeded rapidly.
苏制箭2/SA7肩射防空导弹 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
(转载请注明出处) 苏联的9M32”箭”2(Strela 2)单兵便携式防空导弹,在西方被称为SA一7“格雷尔”(Grail)。以毛子的说法,1967年美国陆军装备了“红眼”,于是导致苏联开始研制箭式导弹。而西方则认为导弹的研制…
步兵手里的“圣杯”——萨姆-7 Strela-2便携防空导弹(9K32“箭 …
2024年1月17日 · 苏联对单兵肩扛导弹的兴趣始于情报部门所获得的消息: 1959年,美国通用动力公司受命研发一种特别的导弹,这种导弹一反常态,在那个防空导弹大型化; 部署和撤收需要耗费几个小时; 雷达分不清目标回波和背景杂波的年代,它不需要大而无用的雷达,不需要各种保障支持车辆,只要一个人就 ...
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