Daily Devotionals | CBN - Christian Broadcasting Network
Experience God’s Word and renew your walk with Him with CBN’s Daily Devotional. We’re excited to deliver encouragement, guidance, and biblical truths right to your inbox each morning.
Daily Devotions - Spiritual life in God - Christian Broadcasting …
Daily devotions from various authors on CBN.com. Grow your faith in Jesus Christ and experience spiritual life in God.
O Little Town of Bethlehem - Christmas Devotion | CBN.com
Christmas Devotion O Little Town of Bethlehem By Kenneth W. Osbeck. In the same way that God's "wondrous gift" came to Bethlehem, silently, so Christ comes into our lives today and casts out our sins and fears if we are willing to have Him abide in …
The Gift Exchange - Christmas Devotion | CBN.com
Christmas Devotion The Gift Exchange By Kathy Thomas. I have many fond memories of Christmas morning. As a child, I loved saving up my allowance and picking out special gifts for each family member; and I admit – I loved getting presents! But not long after I became a Christian, I struggled with the commercialism of Christmas.
Spiritual Life -- Free At Last - secure.cbn.com
DEVOTION God Allows U-Turns: Free At Last By Kitty Chappel Guest Writer. CBN.com-- (Excerpt from God Allows U-Turns for Teens) The cold, steel muzzle of my father's gun pressed my temple, causing a sharp pain in my head. My heart began to race out of control.
Looking Forward to Joy - Daily Devotion | CBN.com
Daily Devotion Looking Forward to Joy. What is the joy set before you? For one reason or another, difficulties are going to cross your way in life. Sometimes they will stand in your path like a big mountain, yet their enormous presence fails to belittle your desire to cross over.
The God of a Second Chance - Christian Broadcasting Network
Daily Devotion The God of a Second Chance Terry Meeuwsen The 700 Club. I began working in television in Milwaukee in 1978. While I'd never set out to do talk TV, I felt at home from the beginning, and being in the public eye gave me many opportunities to share my faith.
Fitful Dreams - Daily Devotions | CBN.com
Daily Devotion Fitful Dreams By Eddie Jones. As the sun was setting, Abram fell into a deep sleep, and a thick and dreadful darkness came over him. Genesis 15:12 (NIV) I can recall with vivid clarity the terror I felt sitting in the Atlanta airport with no ticket, no cash, and no way home.
A Heart That Is Set Apart for God - Daily Devotion | CBN.com
Daily Devotion A Heart That Is Set Apart for God By Martha Noebel. I asked a few of my co-workers what they thought it meant to be set apart for God. Here are a few of their thoughts: "God has His hand on you for a specific purpose. He'll use other people to get you on track -- in addition to dreams, visions, and that still small voice of God.
Joyce Meyer: Spiritual Warfare - secure.cbn.com
James 4:7-8 gives the best advice on how to wage spiritual warfare: "Be subject to God. Resist the devil [stand firm against him], and he will flee from you. Come close to God and He will come close to you."