Sheila B. Ministries, Inc. - Ministering to Women in All Seasons of ...
About Sheila B. Ministries Sheila Bailey Ministries is a Christian-based, Christ-centered 501(c)(3) whose Mission is Enriching communities through educating, empowering, and transforming the lives of adolescent girls and women in all seasons of their lives.
Sheila B. Ministries, Inc. - Ministering to Women in All Seasons of ...
If you would like to request a date for Sheila B. and/or members of her ministry team to come to minister to your church or organization, click on the link below and fill out the Engagement Request form. Someone from the ministry team will get back to you shortly.
Sheila B. Ministries, Inc. - Ministering to Women in All Seasons of ...
Scripture - We look to the Bible as the inspired, inerrant word of God to direct us in all aspects of ministry. (2 Timothy 3:16) Prayer - We recognize our ministry’s desperate need to communicate with God through prayer.(Acts 2:42) Evangelism - We seek to introduce our personal Savior and Lord Jesus Christ to others. (Matthew 28:18-20) Discipleship - We are convinced that each …
Sheila B. Ministries, Inc. - Ministering to Women in All Seasons of ...
Sis. McCloud is devoted to a weekly prayer line ministry believing “that where two or three are gathered together” prayers will be answered. This devout prayer life has led her to be selected as the National Prayer Director for Sheila B. Ministries praying for those in need all over the nation.
Sheila B. Ministries, Inc. - Ministering to Women in All Seasons of ...
Lovingly known as Sheila B., she has inspired many by allowing God to make her over in this new and exciting season. First lady, turned mentor, author and advocate for minister’s wives and women in ministry, has built her life sharing God’s truths.
Sheila B. Ministries, Inc. - Ministering to Women in All Seasons of ...
Here is where you'll find the latest news about Sheila B. Ministries! If you have news to share, send an email to [email protected]. View Sheila B. Messages and News on YouTube:
Core Values and Practices - Sheila B
Relevance - We seek to conduct ministry in a relevant way that offers solutions for today's needs and realities.1 Corinthians 9:22b; Creativity-We intentionally look for new and innovative and more appealing ways to do ministry.2 Cor. 3:5-6, 17-18) Romans12:1; Accountability - We voluntarily open our lives to others and are answerable to people who help us remain honest and keep …
Makeovers With Leftovers (MWL) - Sheila B
Note: These products and services are sold "for profit" and do not directly benefit the non-profit Sheila B. Ministries. Checks or Money Orders made payable to "Sheila Bailey."
Sheila B. Ministries, Inc. - Ministering to Women in All Seasons of ...
Sheila B. Ministries. Ministering to Women in All Seasons of Life. Online Store. E.K. and Sheila Bailey Legacy Products. LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT HOLIDAY GIFT? Consider giving gifts that will “lift up the Spirit” while “uplifting the spirits” of …
Sheila B. Ministries, Inc. - Ministering to Women in All Seasons of ...
Sheila B. Ministries Fundraising and Development Sheila Bailey Ministries is a Christian-based, Christ-centered 501(c)(3) ministry focused on enriching communities through educating and transforming the lives of women.