A quantitative relationship between assembly variations and material thickness variations is firstly given and a new variation model of compliant sheet metal assembly is presented to help designers to more exactly predict the assembly variation and diagnose variation sources.
了解详细信息:A quantitative relationship between assembly variations and material thickness variations is firstly given and a new variation model of compliant sheet metal assembly is presented to help designers to more exactly predict the assembly variation and diagnose variation sources.
www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/014…The offset element is then applied to predict sheet metal assembly variation for one-dimensional (ID) models extracted from industrial practice. The first example evaluates the effects of sheet metal thicknesses on assembly variation. The second example shows how the assembly sequence affects assembly variation.
www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0890695…Variation in the incoming sheet material and fluctuations in the press setup is unavoidable in many stamping plants. The effect of these variations can have a large influence on the quality of the final stamping, in particular, unpredictable springback of the sheet when the tooling is removed.
www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S002074…This work presents a numerical study on the influence of variability in the mechanical properties of metal sheets in predicting the occurrence of springback and maximum thinning, for a sheet metal forming process. For this purpose, a mild steel was selected as reference material and the U-channel forming process was considered.
link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00170-018-1604-yKey Words: analysis of variance, designed experiment, dynamic batch mean, sheet metal stamping, variation reduction 1. Introduction Most passenger vehicles produced today (automobiles, light trucks, and minivans) have a (structural) body that comprises 100–150 stamped metal panels. These panels range in
deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/4…Modeling and analysis of compliant sheet metal assembly variation
2008年8月1日 · A quantitative relationship between assembly variations and material thickness variations is firstly given and a new variation model of compliant sheet metal assembly is …
- 作者: Kuigang Yu, Sun Jin, Xinmin Lai, Yanfeng Xing
- Publish Year: 2008
An offset finite element model and its applications in predicting …
1995年11月1日 · The offset element is then applied to predict sheet metal assembly variation for one-dimensional (ID) models extracted from industrial practice. The first example evaluates …
- 作者: S. Charles Liu, S. Jack Hu
- Publish Year: 1995
Characterising material and process variation effects on …
2010年12月1日 · Variation in the incoming sheet material and fluctuations in the press setup is unavoidable in many stamping plants. The effect of these variations can have a large influence …
- 作者: T. de Souza, B.F. Rolfe
- Publish Year: 2010
Key Words: analysis of variance, designed experiment, dynamic batch mean, sheet metal stamping, variation reduction 1. Introduction Most passenger vehicles produced today …
Numerical study on the effect of mechanical properties variability …
2018年1月24日 · This work presents a numerical study on the influence of variability in the mechanical properties of metal sheets in predicting the occurrence of springback and …
- 作者: P. A. Prates, A. S. Adaixo, M. C. Oliveira, J. V. Fernandes
- 预计阅读时间:8 分钟
- Publish Year: 2018
Single and ensemble classifiers for defect prediction in …
This work focuses on the building of models able to predict the occurrence of defects for different types of materials and sheet metal forming processes under variability. Figure 2 presents the schematic diagram of the proposed …
Machine learning applications in sheet metal constitutive …
2024年10月15日 · In this work, different applications of ML algorithms to the problem of sheet metal constitutive modelling, focused primarily on material plastic behaviour, are reviewed and …
Sheet metal panels require multiple die operations using either a single press or a series of presses in a press line. Stamping dies and presses have numerous input variables (tonnage, shut
(PDF) Numerical study on the effect of mechanical …
2018年4月1日 · This work presents a numerical study on the influence of variability in the mechanical properties and initial thickness of metal sheets, in the springback and maximum thinning predicted for a ...
A Simplified Methodology for Estimating the Variance of Material ...
2007年5月17日 · Object moved to here.