What is the use of "object sender" and "EventArgs e" parameters?
2013年1月23日 · @EduardoPignatelli, The relationship between 'sender' and 'Button' in the inheritance hierarchy, is that they are both 'object' types. 'sender' is simply a wrapper for an …
vba - Get sender email address - Stack Overflow
2013年11月14日 · I have the following VBA code which is meant to send an automatic email when a specific subject is received. Private WithEvents Items As Outlook.Items Private Sub …
windows - sender as in C# - Stack Overflow
var rectangle = sender as Rectangle; There are two possibilities: sender is a type that can be assigned to a Rectangle, in which case, rectangle will contain a reference to the same object …
Understanding C# Events use of sender object - Stack Overflow
2012年1月6日 · About events, the sender parameter is always the object that generated the event (for example a Button in a Click event on a button). If you want to pass arbitrary data in a …
Cast sender object in event handler using GetType ().Name
I know this is a very old post but in Framework 4 you can cast the sender as a Control: Control cntrl = (Control)sender; cntrl.Text = "This is a " + sender.GetType().ToString(); Note you are …
Explain this: CheckBox checkbox = (CheckBox)sender;
2010年9月23日 · The line simply casts sender to a CheckBox. Why? The event handler signature for the CheckedChanged event is: CheckChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) So, you need …
What are the event arguments "sender" and "e" - Stack Overflow
2017年3月21日 · The sender and e arguments are the standard signature of event handlers. Sender is the object that raised the event and e contains the data of the event. All events in …
Solidity basics: what "msg.sender" stands for - Stack Overflow
2021年12月24日 · msg.sender (address): means sender of the message (current call) on the other hand. address owner = msg.sender; The msg.sender is the address that has called or …
How can I get the sender email address using Outlook ... - Stack …
2014年6月23日 · In C# you can access the sender's email address using the SendUsingAccount.SmtpAddress property of the Outlook MailItem. It returns a string object. …
Working with "object sender, EventArgs e" inside an Event Handler
2014年7月21日 · (object sender, XXArgs e) where XXArgs is a class that inherits from EventArgs. sender is, well, the sender of the event. In your example, if you click on a button, the button …