Download Swedish Touring Car Championship 2 (Windows)
Swedish Touring Car Championship 2 (aka STCC 2), a really nice simulation game sold in 2000 for Windows, is available and ready to be played again! Time to play a licensed title, vehicle simulator, automobile and track racing video game title.
STCC瑞典房车锦标赛2 - 3DM游戏网
《STCC The Game 2》(STCC瑞典房车锦标赛2)是SimBin公司的最新作品,STCC是最负盛名的赛车比赛,该游戏获得此赛事官方授权,拥有庞大的车迷群体,游戏中收录了最新的赛道及最新的赛车,喜欢赛车游戏的玩家不妨一试.
Swedish Touring Car Championship 2 (2000) - MobyGames
2001年7月19日 · STCC2 is the successor to the computer game version of Swedish Touring Car Championship which is Digital Illusions' first game to be published in their own right (it's sold more than 50.000 units). This second game features the 2000 championship as well as the championship of Super Stock Racing where you drive Camaro cars instead of a Touring car.
STCC The Game 2 – Expansion Pack for RACE 07 on Steam
2011年4月8日 · STCC The Game 2 is a racing game based on the 2010 Swedish Touring Car Championship season as well as the Scandinavian Touring Car Cup which includes the cars and drivers from the Danish Touringcar Championship. The most intense and prestigious motorsport championship in Scandinavia.
瑞典房车锦标赛_瑞典房车锦标赛中文版下载,MOD,修改器,攻略,汉 …
《瑞典房车锦标赛》是STCC(即瑞典房车锦标赛的缩写)的官方游戏。 STCC是斯堪的纳维亚地区规模最大、也最知名的机动车赛事。 游戏包括2008赛季的全部车型跟赛道:7条瑞典及挪威的赛道,诸如Mantorp Park、Knutstorp Ring、V ler Track、以及全球独家的市区赛道——哥德堡市的Eco Drive Arena;车型有奥迪A4、沃尔沃C30、宝马320si等。 《STCC游戏版. 3DM瑞典房车锦标赛游戏专区提供了瑞典房车锦标赛中文版下载以及国内外第一手游戏资讯,详细的流程攻略, …
2000年11月1日 · STCC 2 was developed in close conjunction with Swedish Nissan driver Carl Rosenblad and features 9 tracks and all the drivers and teams from the Scandinavian Touring Car Championship League.
STCC 2 Demo - Free Download - FilePlanet
STCC 2 Demo. This great racing demo by Digital Illusions offers all the drivers, cars, and teams from the 2000 Championships. All tracks plus two addional tracks in Sweden are also included.
瑞典房车锦标赛2 STCC - The Game 2 (Race 07 + STCC 2)【攻略
《瑞典房车锦标赛2》是基于2010瑞典房车锦标赛赛季的官方正式游戏,并包含了来自丹麦房车锦标赛的车手与车辆。 这是斯堪的纳维亚半岛最大型也是最著名的赛车盛事。
STCC The Game 2 Best Prices - G2A.COM
STCC The Game 2 is a racing game based on the 2010 Swedish Touring Car Championship season as well as the Scandinavian Touring Car Cup which includes the cars and drivers from the Danish Touringcar Championship. The most intense …
STCC瑞典房车锦标赛2 完整硬盘版 - 游侠网
2024年10月9日 · 《STCC瑞典房车锦标赛2》是一款赛车竞速游戏,继承了前作的精髓,带来了更多以斯堪的纳维亚为背景的紧张刺激比赛和令人振奋的赛事体验,2010年赛季的顶尖车手和高性能赛车也将悉数登场。 如果你对第一部《STCC The Game》情有独钟,那么这部续作绝对值得你体验。 玩家可以选择来自两个级别的18种风格独特的车辆,每种车辆都有其独特的性能和特点,满足不同玩家的需求。 游戏收录了6条高精度的斯堪的纳维亚赛道,包括丹麦的Jyllandsringen和 …