It's 2023 and I can't play SSX titles on modern PlayStation
2023年8月27日 · SSX 3 backwards compatibility (and, to a lesser extent, Radiant Silvergun) sold me on my first ever Xbox, a One S Digital that I picked up in a crazy £99 deal. I'm still primarily a PS5 / Steam Deck gamer but my Xbox - these days upgraded to a Series S - still gets switched on every now and then.
SSX ≤ 3 - ResetEra
2022年11月15日 · To me, SSX shares the same fate as Burnout, where there is a fractured fanbase that like different elements of the series. Those that like SSX 3, like it for the One Mountain, all peak run... those that don't preferred the specifically designed closed circuit courses (1 & Tricky), the reboot had some issues with actual fun.
Digital Foundry: SSX 3: A Retro Masterpiece Is Even Better
2018年5月5日 · Article. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2018-ssx-is-a-retro-masterpiece-and-its-brilliant-on-xbox-one
RTTP: SSX 3 - ResetEra
2018年2月24日 · On the most recent episode of the Easy Allies podcast, the notion of remastering the first three SSX games was brought up. I don't know about anyone else here... but the thought of SSX 3 getting an HD makeover has me drooling. Every couple of years, I go back and play SSX 3. I'm playing it again...
If SSX Tricky/3 are fun to play on the PS2 today then can be
2020年2月27日 · I've been going through a lot of PS2 games revisiting some of my favorite classics. Some games game play just has not aged well while other have. SSX is proves to continue to be an absolute blast with this perfect gameplay. I am so mad this series seems to have died. They had a couple missteps...
Which is your favorite SSX game? - ResetEra
2020年2月9日 · SSX Blur (2007) - Wii: based on 3 once again, but the control system is radically different (you must draw tricks on the screen) and is actually a bit more complex than previous games, despite a more cartoony artstyle. Lower budget, reuses tracks from 3 and On Tour, no more character creation. 74 MC.
RTTP: SSX 3 | Page 4 - ResetEra
2020年4月14日 · The pinnacle of SSX
Can we get a SSX3 Remake please? - ResetEra
2018年5月4日 · So SSX3 is working on Xbox One now and that's AWESOME. It's still the best SSX (and Snowboard) game and I think it deserves a proper Remake with 1080p (Switch) and 4K (Xbox One, PS4), widescreen, better Textures, more polygons,... Just imagine SSX3 on Switch So please do it!!! PS: no loot...
Which is your favorite SSX game? | Page 3 | ResetEra
2020年2月9日 · Sure, but it's a more open experience than Tricky, with the mountain to explore and it was still really good but for me, it never surpassed Tricky, which is still my favourite in the series.
Tricky Madness (snowboarding game inspired by SSX and 1080
2024年11月15日 · No audio for me either on SD by default but worked on proton 9.0.3. I think it fixes the dpad not working for the menus as well. Game definitely captures that SSX feel of lining up tricks and combos. Courses can be a little plain in segments.