SS 433 - Wikipedia
SS 433 is a microquasar or eclipsing X-ray binary system, consisting of a stellar-mass black hole accreting matter from an A-type companion star. [5] [6] SS 433 is the first discovered …
Chandra :: Photo Album :: SS 433 :: January 17, 2024
This composite image shows SS 433, a black hole embedded in a supernova remnant. The shape of the supernova remnant resembles the shape of a marine mammal known as the manatee, …
Breaking Cosmic Speed Limits: Powerful Astrophysical Jet …
2024年1月27日 · The H.E.S.S. observatory in Namibia has now succeeded in detecting very high energy gamma rays from the jets of SS 433, and identifying the exact location within the jets of …
APOD: 2020 August 31 - SS 433: Binary Star Micro Quasar
SS 433: Binary Star Micro-Quasar Animation Credit: DESY, Science Communication Lab. Explanation: SS 433 is one of the most exotic star systems known. Its unremarkable name …
SS 433 - Wikiwand
SS 433 is a microquasar or eclipsing X-ray binary system, consisting of a stellar-mass black hole accreting matter from an A-type companion star. [5] [6] SS 433 is the first discovered …
Very-high-energy particle acceleration powered by the jets of the ...
2018年10月3日 · Here we report teraelectronvolt γ-ray observations of the SS 433/W50 system that spatially resolve the lobes. The teraelectronvolt emission is localized to structures in the …
SS 433 - Astronomy Magazine
2024年1月1日 · SS 433 consists of an A-type star orbiting a stellar-mass black hole surrounded by an accretion disk. Powerful X-rays radiate energy away from the disk as opposing jets of …
Acceleration and transport of relativistic electrons in the jets of the ...
2024年1月25日 · SS 433 is a microquasar, a stellar binary system that launches collimated relativistic jets. We observed SS 433 in gamma rays using the High Energy Stereoscopic …
Gamma-ray heartbeat powered by the microquasar SS 433
2020年8月17日 · SS 433 is a unique Galactic microquasar containing a compact object, most probably a black hole of ~10–20 solar masses (M⊙) orbiting an ~30 M⊙ A3-7 supergiant star …
Mysterious black hole jets may be the source of powerful cosmic …
2024年1月25日 · Observations of the microquasar SS 433 provide clues to how these small black holes accelerate electrons to produce high-energy jets. By Alex Wilkins
SS 433: HESS telescope shows super speedy jets inside enigmatic …
2024年1月25日 · SS 433 is recognized as a microquasar, a stellar-mass object exhibiting smaller versions of quasar properties. Microquasars show strong emissions across a broad spectrum …
High-energy star system is one of the ‘weirdest’ in Milky Way
2018年11月29日 · Called SS 433, the gamma-ray-generating system consists of a massive star in close orbit with what scientists think may be a black hole.
Astrophysical jet caught in a 'speed trap' - ScienceDaily
2024年1月25日 · The microquasar SS 433 stands out as one of the most intriguing objects within our Milky Way. A pair of oppositely directed beams of plasma ('jets') spirals away …
The Mystery of SS433 - StarDate's Black Hole Encyclopedia
Almost three decades ago, an astronomer discovered a mystery object lurking inside our Milky Way galaxy. It has been called a microquasar because it spits out huge amounts of X-rays, …
SS433 Fact Sheet - StarDate's Black Hole Encyclopedia
2012年3月14日 · SS433 (the 433rd object in a catalog compiled by astronomers Bruce Stephenson and Nick Sanduleak) consists of two stars -- a black hole and a white supergiant. …
Chandra :: Photo Album :: SS 433 :: 11 Dec 02
The most recent Chandra image of SS 433 shows two high speed lobes of 50 million degree gas 5 trillion kilometers apart on opposite sides of a binary black hole system.
Astrophysical jet caught in a “speed trap” - EurekAlert!
2024年1月25日 · SS 433 is a binary star system in which a black hole, with a mass approximately ten times that of the Sun, and a star, with a similar mass but occupying a much larger volume, …
VLBA "Movie" Gives Scientists New Insights - National Radio …
2004年1月5日 · In 1978, David Clark and Paul Murdin identified SS 433 as the visible-light counterpart of a small object that had been found to be emitting both radio waves and X-rays. …
W 50 and SS 433 | Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A) - aanda.org
2017年12月18日 · The Galactic microquasar SS 433 launches oppositely directed jets at speeds approximately a quarter of the speed of light. These appear to have punched through and …
SS 433 - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전
SS 433은 관측된 매우 이국적인 항성계 중의 하나이다. 이것은 식현상을 보여주는 X선 쌍성계로 주성은 블랙홀로 이루어져 있을 가능성이 매우 높은데 중성자 별로 되어 있을 수도 있다. [4] [5], …