SK3 - Wikipedia
SK3 is a small-conductance calcium-activated potassium channel partly responsible for the calcium -dependent after hyperpolarisation current (I AHP).
Emerging Role of the Calcium-Activated, Small Conductance, SK3 …
The Ca2+-activated, maxi-K (BK) K+ channel, with low Ca2+-binding affinity, is expressed in the distal tubule of the nephron and contributes to flow-dependent K+ secretion. In the present …
SK3 Chemical composition, SK3 Properties, SK3 Datasheet, Japan JIS SK3
Japan JIS SK3 Carbon tool steel and SK3 Mechanical Properties, Chemical Element, Cross Reference, Datasheet.
SK3 (JIS ) - Worldwide equivalent grades - Steel Number
Chemical composition and properties of european equivalents (EN) for SK3 (Japan, JIS ): C105U (1.1545) , SK3 (Japan, JIS ) - European (EU, EN) and wordwide Steel equivalent grades
SK3 - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
SK3 is a member of the SK channel family that is widely expressed in the central nervous system and the periphery. It is a typical potassium channel with six putative transmembrane spanning …
SK3の基本!性質や特徴を解説(成分・硬度)|金属加工総合メ …
SK3は、JIS規格(JISG4401)で規定されている炭素工具鋼材(SK材)のうち、炭素含有量が1.00~1.10%の材質を指します。 特に、硬度・耐摩耗性に優れ、刃物やさまざまな工具など …
Identity and function of a cardiac mitochondrial small …
We provide evidence for location and function of a small conductance, Ca 2+-activated K + (SK Ca) channel isoform 3 (SK3) in mitochondria (m) of guinea pig, rat and human ventricular …
Differential subcellular localization of SK3-containing channels in …
To investigate the expression of SK3 (KCNN3) subunits, we determined the developmental profile and subcellular distribution of SK3 in the developing mouse hippocampus using western blots, …
Small-conductance, calcium-activated potassium channel 3 (SK3…
Using electrophysiological and fluorescent imaging techniques, we investigated the effects of SK3 on the membrane potential and the concentrations of cytosolic calcium, respectively. The …
The Ca2+ activated SK3 channel is expressed in microglia in the …
2010年1月14日 · SK3 is expressed in microglia in both the healthy and damaged adult striatum, and mechanistic in vitro studies show it contributes to transformation of microglia to an …