SSF and digital signatures - SAP Community
On help.sap.com I found information, that I could use SAP Cryptographic library. I have installed SAP Crypto and I maintained ssfrfc.ini file: SSF_LIBRARY_PATH = D:\CRYPTO\sapcrypto.dll …
SSFW_KRN_VERIFY failed with: Certificate expired ... - SAP …
Verifiquei no XML do fornecedor (fazendo um DECODE do X509Certificate) que o certificado utilizado foi o Certisign_RFB_G3. Que consta na lista das AC da ICP-Brasil, possui validade …
SFSF GM - SAP Community
Hi all, I would like to know the FILE FORMAT for SFSF goal import to goal library! Thanks, Bharat
Time Off Iflow with SF - SAP Community
2023年11月6日 · Hi Community. I've been trying to create a iflow that gets time off data from a third party HR system and send to SuccessFactors Object.
SSM - Configure Multiple Webserver's with a Single ... - SAP …
Hi, I need to install SSM using the following system landscape: Distributed system using a single database server and two webserver's.
SSL/HTTPS: Sender agreement wrong port | SAP Community
I have a PI server with HTTP port 50000 and HTTPS port 50433. I have soap sender agreements. The WSDLs show for the HTTP port 50000, but for the HTTPS port 50001.
SSL in ADS(Java) - SAP Community
Mark Your Calendars with these Important Dates. SAP Community is moving in January 2024!
How to use Analysis for Exel in SSO - SAP Community
Hello, For the moment we have only few users which use Analysis for Excel because they have to enter their login & password.
Enabling SSL with SAPJ2EE Engine - SAP Community
Hi SAP Expert. Currently we are using R/3 4.7 and Portal 6.0 with http Protocol,now we want to use Secure transmission of data between backend to portal using https Protocol.Please let me …
Smartforms - hard coded text translation using …
Hello, I have an invoice smartform in which some texts have been hard coded in English. I am issuing this form in VF03 using an output type maintained in French language.