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We at Radio Wavz have one goal, to serve the customer to the best of our ability. We offer the best HAM radio products on the market at a competitive price.
Sentinel Hex Beam 20m Single Band $499.95 Barrett Hex Beam
DX Off Center Fed Windom - Radiowavz.com
The Radiowavz DX (OCF) Windom is a off center fed dipole antenna that exhibits outstanding performance on multiple bands typically without a tuner. This antenna is ideal for those who do not use a tower and beam.
Pathfinder - Radiowavz.com
This antenna is made out of UV coated stranded wire, all American materials and American made!1.8-54 MHz 500W SSB 100W CW 60ft in lengthThe Radiowavz PATHFINDER RANGER is a mulit band portable antenna.
End Fed Half Waves - Radiowavz.com
With the Radiowavz End Fed Half Wave line no tuner is generally required. In many cases the antenna fits in to a small pouch, making it extremely portable. The EFH antenna is made with extreme environments or conditions in mind.
Barrett Hex Beam - Radiowavz.com
Radiowavz Sentinel Hex Beam 40-10 gain is 6.1 dBi. With front and back peak at 20 dBi. The VSWR is less then 2:1. The turn radius is 21 ft. at a height of 48". The weight is 90 lbs so the wind load area is 12 sq.ft. Operates at full legal limit on all bands. With the broad band add on, you can work 160m-10m in an omni directional fashion.
End Fed Terminated Antennas - Radiowavz.com
The Radiowavz EFT series End Fed Terminated antenna is a broadband antenna designed for fixed station, multi-frequency applications. It is a very practical solution to many tactical and strategic communication installations.
80/40 Meter Dual Band Dipole Antenna $129.95 Fan Dipole 40-3 Antenna
1:1i Balun - Radiowavz.com
Radiowavz 1:1i current isolation transformer acts as a RF isolator reduce or eliminate stray RF often found on coax. It is also known as a common mode choke. Most commonly used for multi band antennas or beams. Power rating: 1500w SSB/ 200w CW
Saturn Fan Dipoles - Radiowavz.com
The Radiowavz SATURN Series antennas are designed as lightweight multi-element inverted V or flat top dipole antenna that can be transported easily. The elements are full dipoles with a 1:1 BALUN. Set up time 15 min.