Anatomy of a fast gun cannon - R/C Warship Combat
2006年12月6日 · that is a short anatomy of a fast gun cannon. that particular one is a 5 year old BC cannon. General operation is as follows. gas flows to cap at bottom of T. This pushes piston up, bb sitting on top of it. gas then flows both around the piston and down to end of magazine, pushing BB's forward till they are stopped at the piston.
The Big Gun Cannon - R/C Warship Combat
2006年11月8日 · Now that we know the basics of how a cannon operates, let's take a look at the simplest of Big Gun cannons, the MJV-2 or "Arizona" gun. The Arizona gun is a simple single-barrel cannon that can be built to fire several sizes of shot. It can be modified to rotate, or it can be daisy-chained together to get multiple barrels in a single turret.
BB CANNONS BUILD - R/C Warship Combat
2018年12月30日 · Most Big Gun systems use the Battlers or Strike Models regulator set at 150psi and a secondary regulator to reduce the pressure down to what is needed to pass the gun test. I could never imagine using a full 150psi in a Big Gun system as it would easily shoot through a 1/4" of plywood. The main thing is common sense and being careful.
R/C Warship Combat
2011年11月4日 · The R/C Model Warship Combat Community. A home for IRCWCC, MWCI, Treaty, BigGun, Battlestations, Queen's Own and more.
Fast Gun rules question | R/C Warship Combat
2012年4月7日 · I think "fast gun" is a better format WE HAVE REGULAR REGIONAL AND LOCAL BATTLES AND NATIONALS!! Torpedos????? who has built a 144th scale torpedo kgaigalas , Sep 26, 2019
Big Gun Rules - R/C Warship Combat
2009年7月17日 · In Big Gun, there is now an alternative to that, once a year, if you have NO club close - NABGO (the North American Big Gun Open) - a week of shipyard activith and battling. Usually the weekend or so after July 4th. You will learn a lot, and there are always surpises in store. NABGO, by the way, operates under the NTXBG ruleset. Cheers,
Big Gun Cannons - R/C Warship Combat
2021年6月21日 · You can arm your DD with a fast gun BB, you do not need Big Gun for that. Remember we are talking about a 2 second rate of fire for BB's and keep the 4 second for 3/16. You could pepper the transport with that. Or arm it with …
For Sale Big Gun: USS Texas (Free, Limited Alpha)
2006年10月20日 · These USS Texas Big Gun ships are vastly easier to build than any previous generation Big Gun ship. These ships are based around the new plastic Big Gun cannon platform which has seen success on other NTXBG ships. Warship specifications: - All 5x functional 7/32" cannons. - Targeting computer ready, direct drive turret rotation.
Fast gun vs. Big gun | R/C Warship Combat
2012年4月7日 · Avg fast gun sorties tend to be around 30 min for NATS(so you need about an hour worth of power anyway, most ships carry significantly more than they actually use.), regional sorties are closer to 15-25 min depending on number of ships. A fast gun ship is really only limited by ammo supply.
Good ship for Fast Gun - R/C Warship Combat
2012年4月7日 · Seriously considering building a fast gun ship. My question is what is a suggested good ship that isn’t to complex, isn’t to small or big. My natural battling style is to sail straight at the enemy and blast away regardless if they will sink me easily or not lol you could say I am a reckless skipper lol