R6-H5 | Wookieepedia | Fandom
R6-H5, nicknamed Ar-Six, was the astromech droid of Jedi Master Kit Fisto. R6 accompanied its master on many missions during the Clone Wars aboard his Jedi starfighter. Following Separatist leader Viceroy Nute Gunray's escape from the Jedi Cruiser Tranquility,[4] R6 …
R6-H5 | Brickipedia | Fandom
R6-H5 is a video game -only Star Wars minifigure, based on the astromech droid of the same name from the Clone Wars series. Assigned to Kit Fisto during the Clone Wars, R6-H5 served aboard his Jedi starfighter. The droid was known to be tentative and averse to strange situations.
R6-H5 | The Clone Wars | Fandom
R6-H5 (nicknamed Ar-Six) was General Kit Fisto's astromech droid. He participated in finding Nute Gunray, who was traced to the Third Moon of Vassek to General Grievous's lair. R6 was also a loyal droid to Kit and very dependable. He informed them of Soulless One so that the Jedi could know of his arrival.
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R6-H5 - SWRPGGM.com
2021年12月2日 · R6-H5, nicknamed Ar-Six, was the astromech droid of Jedi Master Kit Fisto. R6 accompanied its master on many missions during the Clone Wars aboard his Jedi starfighter.
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在线公差查询,公差查询程序网页版。 程序数据严格参照国家标准GB/T 1800。 只需要输入相关的参数, 即可快速得到极限偏差等信息。 你可以在 工具介绍 中查看此工具功能和使用方法说明。 1. 修复基本尺寸大于180至250,公差等级为G的孔的基本偏差数据错误。 1. 修复程序bug。 2. 感谢网友Kallece指出查询数据错误。 1.基本尺寸小于1mm时,各级的A和B均不采用。 2.各级CD、EF、FG主要用于精密机械和钟表制造业。 3.IT14至IT18只用于大于1mm的基本尺寸。 …
R6-H5 | LEGO Games Wiki | Fandom
R6-H5 is a character that is playable in LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars. To be added Levels in which R6-H5 has appeared as a boss, enemy, or playable. Lair of Grievous (NPC) Available for purchase on The Resolute after completing Lair of Grievous.
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R6-H5 | Wookieepedia | Fandom
R6-H5, nicknamed Ar-Six, was the astromech droid of Jedi Master Kit Fisto. He accompanied his Master on many missions for the Jedi Council. He was known for being tentative, often worrying about his master, and for having a dislike of strange situations.