Robinson R44 - Wikipedia
The Robinson R44 is a four-seat light helicopter produced by Robinson Helicopter Company since 1992. Derived from the company's two-seat Robinson R22, the R44 features hydraulically assisted flight controls and a larger engine.
Robinson Helicopter Company
The R44 Raven II is an extraordinary helicopter with exceptional performance. We owned and operated a fleet of 30+ R44s over the last 20 years, flying thousands of hours per year without ever sending major components back to RHC for a warranty claim.
罗宾逊(Robinson)R44II雷鸟(RAVEN)是一台4座,主、尾桨双桨叶, 滑橇式起落架 的 轻型直升机。 驾驶舱可容纳1名驾驶员和3名乘客,装载一台莱康明IO-540-AE1A5直喷式发动机,速度更快,高度更高,承载更大。 罗宾逊(Robinson)R44II雷鸟(RAVEN)型直升机采用直升机最新开发的液压助力系统为标准设备,消除了驾驶杆机械传动产生的振动现象,使驾驶更轻松、柔和。 此外,它还具备其他特点,例如:可调式脚鸵,方便飞行员调整架资;尾桨弹性摇摆铰链,使维 …
Robinson R44 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
R44是一架单引擎直升机,它使用一个半硬式双叶片主旋翼、一个双叶片尾旋翼和橇型起落架。 它有著封闭式机舱、两排肩并肩的座椅,可以乘坐1名驾驶员和3名乘客。
ROBINSON R44 RAVEN II Aircraft For Sale - Controller.com
2025年2月7日 · Browse a wide selection of new and used ROBINSON R44 RAVEN II Aircraft for sale near you at Controller.com, the leading aircraft marketplace.
Robinson Helicopter Company
The R44 Raven I features a Crashworthy Fuel System with a Bladder Tank designed to prevent fuel leakage and reduce the risk of fire in the event of a crash. The system incorporates several features and design elements to enhance safety for both the helicopter and its occupants.
ROBINSON R44 Raven II operating costs, price and specs
2021年10月25日 · Based on 450 hours a year and fuel cost at $4.25 per-gallon, the ROBINSON R44 Raven II has total variable costs of $147,240.00, total fixed costs of $84,560.00, and hypothetical summary cost of $231,8N/A. How much does it cost to fly: $515.11 per hour.
Robinson R44 - AOPA
With decent cruise speeds, reasonable fuel burn, and straightforward maintenance—even though it is pretty much the only choice for someone wanting a piston, four-place helicopter—the R44 …
罗宾逊R44|-深圳通航航空公司 - szairventure.com
R44雷鸟(RAVEN)采用最新开发的液压助力系统为标准设备,消除了驾驶杆机械传动产生的振动现象,使驾驶更轻松、柔和。 此外,还具备其它特点,如:可调式脚舵,方便飞行员调整驾姿;尾桨弹性摇摆铰链,使R44维护更简便。 R44雷鸟(RAVEN)的机体线条优美,其设计符合空气动力学原理,既提高了速度和效率,巡航速度可高达210公里/小时,而平均耗油量仅为56升/小时。 罗宾逊直升机在工艺设计方面一贯强调优质可靠。 根据美国国家交通安全委员会(NTSB)的统 …
2024年8月21日 · R-44机体线条优美,其设计符合空气动力学原理,提高了速度和效率,巡航速度可高达210千米/时,而平均耗油量仅为56升/时。 罗宾逊公司在工艺设计方面一贯强调优质可靠,根据美国国家交通安全委员会的统计数据,由于机身或发动机故障引起的事故,R-22和R-44比其他直升机要少得多。 R-44是在R-22的基础上发展而来的。 相比涡轮发动机,R-44使用的活塞发动机性能与其接近,但购买成本仅为涡轮发动机的1/3,维护费用也低很多。 据悉,作为警用直 …
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