What is "quantization"? Give one example [duplicate]
2017年11月6日 · Quantization (in theoretical physics) covers any mathematical method of developing a theory which incorporates quantum theoretical ideas from a classical concept. The most dramatic might be Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) which is developing a theory for the electromagnetic field from quantum ideas.
What does it mean to quantize something in physics?
2017年6月1日 · The answer(s) to your question(s) could easily fill a book (and in fact have). In short, quantization is a heuristic procedure that, given a classical system (Usually taken to be a Lagrangian or Hamiltonian theory of particles and or fields), produces a quantum theory (A Hilbert space and a Hamiltonian operator, more generally time evolution or even a unitary …
What is Quantization? - Physics Stack Exchange
(a) definition of quantization; (b) why do we need quantum mechanics; (c) what is the difference between classical and quantum mechanics; (d) combination of (a),(b),(c) or others. Quantum mechanics differs the classical least action principle, since the operators do not commute.
How does quantization arise in quantum mechanics?
2020年4月8日 · First and second quantization Quantization is a misleading term, since it implies discreteness (e.g., of the energy levels), which is not always the case. In practice (first) quantization refers to describing particles as waves, which in principle allows for discrete spectra, when boundary conditions are present.
Difference between discretization and quantization in physics
2015年9月13日 · From quantization: Most common is the idea of quanta of energy, that comes in discrete packets of energy $\hbar \omega,$ e.g. when solving the set of possible eigenvalues for the hydrogen atom, and hence discovering a discrete set of energy values that difference always by an integral amount of a certain quanta, so one refers to the energy here ...
What does quantised mean? - Physics Stack Exchange
2020年3月28日 · I was reading an article (forgot the link) but it said "The energy levels of the electron in a hydrogen atom are quantised". What do they mean by the term quantised?
What is the physical interpretation of second quantization?
2015年6月1日 · Traditionally, this terribleness of notation was fixed by symmetrizing or anti-symmetrizing the first-quantized wave functions. This has the effect of removing the information we injected by labeling the particles, but you're way better off just not labeling them at all and using second quantization. Meaning of 2$^{\text{nd}}$ quantization
What is the "secret " behind canonical quantization?
2020年8月17日 · Quantization is a mystery. (Weyl, the godfather of this formulation, thought he'd found the true and only way to quantization, along this path, in 1927. Wrongly.) There are several different ways to consistently quantize many classical systems, and none is better than the rest, but depends on your specific physical system described. Some pick ...
Meaning of quantization of energy - Physics Stack Exchange
2021年5月13日 · I am trying to understand the concept of energy quantization. For example, Sodium. Let's talk about $2p$ and $3s$ for this example. So $2p$ has 6 electrons and and $3s$ has one. So when we say energy is quantizied does it mean that all …
The origin of quantization - Physics Stack Exchange
2019年1月19日 · The same did Einstein to explain the photo-electrical effect. Later it was (at least through conclusion by analogy) used to draw up Schroedinger's equation. However, it seems to be a kind of corollary of second quantization. This is actually the point I am interested in. Is it really a corollary, or can it only be postulated ?