QIMA/WQS - Offering solutions to the food industry, from farm to …
QIMA-WQS offers GFSI recognized certifications, third-party audits and quality inspections to a number of sectors within the global food industry. Choose your sector below to see services that are relevant for you:
Our Commitments & Values for Food Safety & Quality | QIMA-WQS
Becoming Part of QIMA. In 2019, QIMA/WQS joined the QIMA Group, QIMA is a leading provider of supply chain compliance solutions, that partners with brands, retailers and importers to secure, manage and optimize their global supply network.
Contact Us | QIMA/WQS
Contact QIMA / WQS to discuss how we can help you secure your food supply chain!
(Safe Quality Food) SQF Certification & Audits | QIMA-WQS
QIMA/WQS offers SQF certification and audits for brands across the food industry. Leverage SQF certification to ensure food safety, quality and expand your market reach.
GLOBALG.A.P. Certification - Standards and Processes | QIMA/WQS
QIMA/WQS offers certification under the GFSI recognized GLOBALG.A.P. scheme, which covers food safety, environment, and workers health and safety.
Food Manufacturing - Audits & Certifications | QIMA/WQS
QIMA/WQS offers a range of certifications and audits to help companies comply with food safety and quality. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics defines food manufacturing as industries that transform livestock and agricultural products into products for immediate or final consumption.
Food Safety Certifications: Audits & Inspections for The Food …
QIMA/WQS provides third-party audits and certification for numerous GFSI recognized schemes (BRCGS, IFS, PrimusGFS, SQF, GLOBALG.A.P.) and other international standards in the food industry. We work with thousands of customers internationally, from small farms to …
GFSI Food Safety Standards - Audits Schemes & Certificates
QIMA/WQS offers SQF certification for all members of the food supply chain, under the following scopes: SQF Food Safety Fundamentals: for small and medium sized suppliers who want to implement or improve their food safety management program; SQF Food Safety Code for: Primary Production; Food Retail; Manufacturing; Manufacturing of Food Packaging
BRCGS Certification: BRC Global Food Safety Standards | QIMA/WQS
QIMA/WQS offers certification under GFSI-recognized BRCGS for food safety, packaging materials, and storage and distribution. Transform your business with globally recognized certification and expand your access to new markets.
ISO 22000 Certification | QIMA-WQS - wqscert.com
When requesting the use of the QIMA WQS seal or logo, it is important to inform the status of your company, whether it is a current client or was a client in the past, and to detail the purpose of use, such as in marketing materials, reports, etc. Additionally, it is essential to ensure that the use complies with QIMA WQS guidelines.