QAT Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of KHAT is a shrub (Catha edulis) of the staff-tree family that is cultivated in the Middle East and Africa for its leaves and buds which are the source of a habituating stimulant when chewed or used as a tea; also : its leaves and buds.
Queensland Academy of Technology – QAT
QAT is a well-established nationally accredited education and care training organisation, providing qualifications in Business, Cookery and Hospitality, Early Childhood Education, Aged Care, ELICOS, IELTS and Short Courses to prepare today’s learners for tomorrow’s workplace.
Chewing Qat (aka "Getting High") In Yemen - Wandering Earl
2013年5月6日 · Qat destroys productivity and, critically, motivation. It is a major reason Yemen’s economy is in the toilet, and no one can sustain any effort to make real changes in society – Yemen’s revolution is going nowhere. Look at the countries where qat is widely chewed – real jewels, all of them, and Yemen is their Queen.
Qat - Wikipedia
Qat may refer to: Qaumi Awami Tehreek (QAT) faction of Awami Tahreek, a political party in Pakistan; Khat or qat, a flowering plant whose leaves are chewed as a stimulant; Qat (deity), in the oral mythology of the Banks Islands, Vanuatu
Qat - definition of qat by The Free Dictionary
1. the leaves of a SW Asian and African shrub, Catha edulis, of the staff-tree family: chewed as a stimulant or made into a tea. 2. the shrub itself. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. 1. Want to thank TFD for its existence?
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Khat | Description, Drug, Leaves, Stimulant, Effects, & Facts
2025年2月17日 · khat, (Catha edulis), slender evergreen tree or shrub, the leaves and young buds of which are chewed for a euphoric effect. The plant is native to the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula and is an important cash crop in Yemen, Somalia, and Ethiopia; it is often cultivated in areas that do not support other agricultural plants.
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Qat (deity) - Wikipedia
Qat (or Qet, Kpwet, Iqet, Ikpwet etc. – see below) is the principal god in the oral mythology of the Banks Islands, a small archipelago of northern Vanuatu, Melanesia.
Quantification Analytics Tool | USAID Global Health Supply Chain …
The Quantification Analytics Tool (QAT), is a modernized solution for country-led forecasting and supply planning. Funded by USAID, QAT leverages new technologies and enhances the existing tools such as, PipeLine and Quantimed.