What do "QRM" and "QSB" refer to? - Amateur Radio Stack …
2017年4月13日 · $\begingroup$ The QRM and QRN Q codes are over 100 years old. Back in 1912 the noise from modern electronics was non-existent; received noise was either …
New DMR Network - QRZ Forums
2019年3月7日 · A new DMR network has been formed. It is called QRM_Network. This is a good place to experiment with new hardware and software. Hotspot config...
QRM.guru a new resource for amateurs from RASA | QRZ Forums
2019年3月11日 · QRM.guru is a project of RASA and has been designed as a free resource for all, in the spirit that is Amateur Radio. Please send questions or feedback to …
Review of the QRM eliminator by US4LG - QRZ Forums
2020年2月12日 · For those suffering from man-made noise on HF, a QRM eliminator could be a solution. I wrote a review:...
Where to find QRM and/or QRN audio files?
2020年10月14日 · They call these noises QRN, probably because many sound a lot like static, but I'd call them QRM, because their origin is man-made. Old-fashioned QRN from lightning …
QRM DMR Network status report - QRZ Forums
2020年6月23日 · The QRM DMR Network has been up and running for about 15 months. At the present time there have been about 25 talk groups assigned. The server is in a cloud that is …
qrm | QRZ Forums
2021年2月16日 · QRM.guru a new resource for amateurs from RASA News release From the Radio Amateur Society of Australia RASA. RASA announces the release of QRM.guru This is …
FT8 Burnout? Possible Remedy: Conversation | QRZ Forums
2017年11月22日 · Olivia decodes well under other conditions that are a complex mix of atmospheric noise, signal fading (QSB), interference (QRM), polar flutter caused by a radio …
Extremely strong QRM on VHF? - Amateur Radio Stack Exchange
2020年3月10日 · This QRM appears all around the neighborhood. It's difficult to pinpoint since it's so strong (it's so strong I don't need to open my squelch to hear it). The signal stays mostly at …
QRN: How to chase down a solid S9 noise floor on 40m only
2021年4月7日 · I am new to this, having just set up my station. I have "very bad" QRN on 40m: S9. Here is the setup: High density suburb with flats and houses Yaesu FT450D with …